Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)
Tom David Eibich
Durchführung von Forschungs- und Drittmittelprojekten "Visual Computing"
Department of Computer Science, Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)
Sankt Augustin
C 062
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
Contact hours
Mo - Do: 07:30 - 15:30
02241 865 256Research Projects
Four universities in North Rhine-Westphalia have joined forces to establish the "Games Technology Network" (GTN). The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) has taken on the coordination. Its partners are RWTH Aachen University, Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences and Cologne University of Technology. The project is initially scheduled to run for two years and is supported by the NRW Future Fund. The declared aim of the new alliance is to build up a network of research institutions and industrial companies that will promote gaming technology and thus benefit NRW as a business location.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr André Hinkenjann