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Department of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Martin Müller

Prof. Dr Martin E. Müller

Math./theor. foundations of informatics


Department of Computer Science

Research fields

  • (Non-classical) algebraic (modal) logic
  • Vagueness by residual constructions
  • Relation Algebra
  • Logic and relational knowledge discovery aka (explainable) machine learning


Sankt Augustin


C.214 or A.033


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Donnerstags 14:00-16:00. Eintragung in der Liste an der Bürotür erforderlich.

Curriculum vitae

M.E.Müller: Curriculum Vitae

More information: ORCID, RID, RG, dblp, dnb

Curriculum Vitae

Education, Research and Affiliations

  • 1995
    M.A., "An extension of inverse resolution to order sorted Horn logic." University Osnabrück.
  • 1995
    Postgrad, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, NI. (I. Düntsch).
    Rough Set Theory, Relation Algebra
  • 1995-1996
    Researcher, Bremen University (O. Herzog). AI group, Planning
  • 1997-2002
    Researcher, Institute of Semantic Information Processing, University Osnabrück. AI, ML, ILP.
  • 2002
    Ph.D., "Inducing Concpetual User Models",(C.-R. Rollinger, H.Gust, I. Düntsch). ILP for user adaptive meta web search.
  • 2002-2008
    Researcher (C1), University Augsburg. Logic/relational machine learning/knowledge discovery on biosensor data, (E. André)
  • 2008-2014
    Professor, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Algebraic nonclassical logic, relation algebra, abstract algebra. Teaching: Theory of computer science, mathematical foundations.
  • 2014-2015
    Researcher (DFG), University Augsburg, (B.Möller). Algebraic nonclassical logic, relation algebra, abstract algebra, unified theories of programming. Teaching: Theory of computer science, mathematical foundations
  • 2016
    Research sabbatical. Algebraic nonclassical logic, relation algebra, abstract algebra, unified theories of programming.
  • 2016
    Dr.habil., "Algebras of vagueness", University Augsburg (B.Möller, E.André, S.Parsons; U.Schmid, H.deSwart)
  • 2016-
    Professor, math.-theor. Foundations CS, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.Algebraic nonclassical logic, relation algebra, abstract algebra. Teaching: (Advanced) discrete mathematics, (advanced) theory of computer science.



This list only contains relevant publications (not necessarily top-rated ones). For more references, see ORCID, RID, RG, dnb, and dblp. I've never been keen on writing a great number of papers and I don't know my h-index.

Logics, Relation Algebra

  1. Books, Chapters
  2. Journals
  3. Conferences
  4. Workshops, Reports
  5. Other

Unified theories of programming

  1. Books, Chapters
    • n/a
  2. Journals
    • n/a
  3. Conferences
  4. Workshops, Reports

Machine Learning, ILP

  1. Books, Chapters
  2. Journals
  3. Conferences
  4. Workshops, Reports


  1. Books, Chapters
  2. Journals
  3. Conferences
    • n/a
  4. Workshops, Reports



Artificial Intelligence (GOFAI)1997-2005, Cognitive Robotics (2004-2008), Machine Learning (1997-2008), (Advanced) Discrete Mathematics (2004-), (Advanced) Logics (2004-), Theory of Computer Science (2008-2016), Computation and Complexity (2016-2020).

Summer schools


Projects/external funding is listed on ORCID. It's a short list.
Non-funded research projects and (student) working groups:

  • PARIA, 2004-2008.
    A long-term student project (eventually leading to the PACME architecture of concurrent processes).
  • Rela-X, 2004-2008.
    Implementing libraries for efficient relation calculus. With a programminglanguage R-Lang, visualisation components for sorted matrices and graphs (bipartite, planar, Hasse) and an education interface.
  • COMPARE, 2024-.
    Instead of statistic evaluation of surveys, we collect pairwise multidimensional comparisons. The goal is to compile this into a nominal set of data from which we induce lattice like evaluations of surveys. We intend to use rough set theory, formal concept analysis and inductive logic programming for elicitation of further knowledge hidden in survey answers.
  • "Sets, Structures, Semantics", 2018-.
    A book on discrete mathematics and logics.

Academic administration

Extracurricular activities

SIG ForMicα (Formal Methods in Computer Science).


Fachbereichsratsmitglied, Evaluationsbeauftragter.

Professional activities

Associated Researchers

Supervisors, reviewers, co-authors: