Department of Computer Science

The world of smart ID Solutions - BEZ at Omnisecure 2023

Forschung im Biometrie-Evaluations-Zentrum (BEZ)

Wednesday 21 June 2023

The Biometrics Evaluation Centre (BEZ) will present itself at the Omnisecure 2023 - The World of Smart ID Solutions congress on the topic of "Verified biometrics - practical insights into the work of the BEZ".
BEZ auf dem Kongress Omisecure 2023 - The World of Smart ID Solutions

At OMNISECURE 2023 in Berlin, experts will present topics related to digital identities. The congress programme is divided into ten content clusters around the topic of digital identities and the necessary security. Various congress formats focus on knowledge transfer, developing and deepening new ideas and finding new collaborations. The BEZ also presented itself and was able to give the participants practical insights into its work on the topic of verified biometrics in a workshop by means of a virtual tour.

BEZ - Forschungslabor

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the Institute of Safety and Security (ISF) of the H-BRS jointly operate the Biometrics Evaluation Centre (BEZ) on the campus of the university in Sankt Augustin. The BEZ combines under one roof the practical evaluation of biometric systems as well as application-oriented research and development in order to make biometric procedures more secure and reliable in the long term. The BEZ is equipped with extensive technical equipment to thoroughly examine biometric systems with regard to their performance, their weak points and their usability.