Department of Computer Science

Welcome Day for International MAS-Students

Tuesday 28 April 2015

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Robots Jenny, Johnny and Co. are pleased with the world-wide interest in them: of the many young candidates from all over the world who applied for admission to the Master’s Program in Autonomous Systems for the summer semester 2013, those joining the program were officially and warmly welcomed by the dean of the department, the professors, the research associates, department and language center staff and their colleagues on 25.03.2013.

In addition to information about subject matters, workflows and information in living and working in Germany, they were offered homemade cakes, coffee and tea. The newcomers could ask their professors and mentors about their scientific research focuses and share their first experiences in Germany with each other.

The new bearers of hope in robotics who will begin to study in Sankt Augustin hail from Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, India, Iran, Pakistan, Mexico, Turkey and Germany. In addition, two exchange students from the University of New Brunswick and a student from the German-Jordanian University joined this welcome as they will be spending the semester taking courses within the program.

The new members of the MAS program - in the background Prof. Paul Plöger, Dr. Björn Kahl, Dipl.-Inform. Nico Hochgeschwender, M.Sc. in AS Frederik Hegger

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M.Sc. in AS Iman Awaad with some of the new MAS students

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What a treat: homemade delicacies to welcome the new MAS students