Department of Computer Science

RoboCup Worldcup in Leipzig a huge success!

Tuesday 30 August 2016

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From June 30 to July 4, Leipzig hosted the worldcup of intelligent robots (RoboCup). The department of information science has been involved in several ways:

Prof. Dr. Kraetzschmar, member of the Board of Trustees and General Chair of the event, is looking back at a successful event which lived up to its motto „Leipzig: Best place for robots and friends“. 3.500 robotics enthusiasts from 45 countries competed in 17 leagues in a fair and friendly atmosphere. More than 30.000 visitors gathered on the exhibition grounds to see the amazing capabilities of today's robots and share the participants' enthusiasm.

The competitions were accompanied by an exciting exhibition, a scientific technical program and numerous hands-on activities. 

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H-BRS team b-it bots competed in two leagues:

Service robot Jenny took part in the @home competition, where robots have to accomplish various tasks in a domestic environment. After a break of several years, the newly formed team managed to reach the finals and finished 9th of 24 teams.

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The b-it bots @work even secured a place on the podium! This league deals with tasks from industrial settings. The robot navigates autonomously in an industrial environment and tries to pick up, transport and store a variety of items as specified. Unfortunately, the robots camera system broke down during the competition, but the team still finished second. Congratulations to the vice world champions, who have been constantly on the podium for the last couple of years.

However, our university did not only take part successfully in the competitions, but also contributed scientifically:

For the first time, Frederik Hegger took over the role of league chair and also presented the @work event. Prof. Dr. Plöger chaired the 9th IFAC-symposium for intelligent autonomous vehicles, which took place at the same time. Finally, a team of H-BRS researchers  (Alexander Hagg, Frederik Hegger and Prof. Dr. Paul Plöger) won a best paper award for their contribution on object recognition of transparent items at the accompanying RoboCup Symposium.

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