Department of Computer Science

MAS: Double Degree with German-Jordanian University in the Works

Tuesday 28 April 2015

MAS_Double Degree_GJU

A delegation from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (BRSU) has returned from a visit to the German-Jordanian University (GJU) in the Hashemite Kingdom, where negotiations on the establishment of a double degree programme were conducted. Under such a programme, students would study in both Sankt Augustin and Amman, Jordan and receive both a Master’s degree in Autonomous Systems (MAS) from BRSU, and a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering from GJU.

On March 5th and 6th 2013, Prof. Dr. Paul Plöger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Herpers, M. A. Nadine Fröbel and M. Sc. Iman Awaad discussed the course structures, features, quality assurance and basic requirements with their colleagues of the SIC faculty (School of Computer Engineering and Information Technology). To the interested hosts the BRSU delegation gave a multimedia presentation on the MAS programme at BRSU as well as their research work in Robotics and Computer Vision.

A detailed report about the conference and its achievements can be found here.

The members of the MAS delegation from BRSU with their hosts from GJU in Amman