Department of Computer Science

Kick it like R2-D2 – RoboCup Junior

Tuesday 28 April 2015


One of the four qualifying tournaments for the national RoboCup Junior in Magdeburg this year was held at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University from Saturday 23 February to Sunday 24 February 2013. 84 teams (more than 250 young participants overall) competed against each other - their robots lined up for the disciplines soccer, dance and rescue. Nationwide, nearly 400 teams participated in the four tournaments - more than ever before.

(Hopefully everything works out!)

The event was organized and led by Dr. Winfried Schmitz of the CJD Königswinter and his coaching staff. Most of the referees and the other volunteers have previously taken part in RoboCup Junior tournaments. Some of them are now students at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University.

Most of the competitions were held in the student canteen. In the auditorium the young team members and their parental advisors were served warm meals and drinks by volunteers. Advisors and team members alike praised the event and its premises.

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Kraetzschmar, the vice president of the RoboCup Federation, the juniors fought thrilling duels, until at the end the winners were confirmed. A lot of the teams qualified for the German Championship 2013 in Magdeburg.


("Technik Clever Club" with Kay Schneider, Finn Breuer and Aaron Bracht from CJD Königswinter)

The results of the tournament can be downloaded as a pdf here:

Information, rules, background and schedule for the RoboCup Junior in Magdeburg: