Department of Computer Science

IP SaSeRos: final competition

Tuesday 28 April 2015

IP SaSeRos_winning team

The international Intensive Programme SaSeRos finished today, April 8th, 2011, with the competition of all ten teams that had constructed their own robots. These teams had to prove that their programmed Mindstorm NXT robot actually worked according to the specifications that they had had to hand in the evening before for review by the jury.

Starting point for the specifications was the scenario that each group had to choose independently. Should their robot be used in a factory hall, a shopping mall or maybe a hospital? Should the environment be peopled or not? Should there be moving oder unmovable obstacles? What would be the risk level of the robot-machine - dangerous or less so? According to the hazard category the safety measures had to be selected and implemented. In the case of the Lego Mindstorm Robots this had to be the application of various types of sensors and off-buttons.

The jury (some of the international professors) had a tough time deciding, since all of the participating teams showed great creativity and enthusiam presenting their robots. The decisive factor was in the end their good specification and the fact that team 5 had built their own mechanical sensor.

Projec Coordinator: Prof. Norbert Jung

Picture galleries of IP SaSeRos

News-Beitrag vom 7.04.2011, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein Sieg (news on university website, in German)

Team 5 wins the SaSeRos Cup 2011