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Extension of the adjunct professorship for Prof Hinkenjann at UNB New Brunswick in Canada

Gebäude der UNB in Fredericton, New Brunswick; Kanada

Monday 6 May 2024

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton, Canada, has extended the Adjunct Professorship for Prof Dr André Hinkenjann, Head of the Institute of Visual Computing and Professor of Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems in the Department of Computer Science, for a further five years.
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. André Hinkenjann an der UNB in Knada

During his trip to Canada, which he undertook together with Prof Ernst Kruijff (H-BRS), Hinkenjann learnt of his renewed appointment as Adjunct Professor at UNB. 

Hinkenjann and Kruijff exchanged ideas at the UNB with their colleagues Prof Scott Bateman and Prof Kenneth Kent on further opportunities for cooperation, joint research activities, publications and possible project proposals. Students presented their current projects in the Spectral Lab (Spatial Computing Lab). In a joint presentation, the professors from H-BRS were able to report on current research at the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC) at H-BRS.

Kolloquium im Studiengang Master Informatik - Dual Degree Programme zwischen UNB und H-BRS
(f. l.)Jonas Rouven Schönauer at his colloquium in the Master's degree programme in Computer Science with his supervisor Prof. Dr Kenneth Kent (UNB) and the examiners Prof. Dr Brent Petersen (UNB) and Prof. Dr André Hinkenjann (H-BRS)

The partnership between UNB in Canada and the Department of Computer Science at H-BRS is one of the department's oldest and most intensive co-operations. For students, the possibility of a double degree was created. As an adjunct professor, Hinkenjann took part in Jonas Rouven Schönauer's graduation colloquium as an examiner. Schönauer studied a Master's degree in Computer Science at H-BRS and successfully defended his thesis at UNB as part of the dual degree programme. His supervisor, Prof Dr Kenneth Kent (UNB), is an honorary professor in the Department of Computer Science and has already been involved in many projects.

The department would like to congratulate them and is delighted about the opportunities that this long-term cooperation opens up for future research projects and for our students with international exchange opportunities and the completion of a double degree.


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André Hinkenjann

Founding director of the Institute of Visual Computing, Research Professor Computer Graphics and Interactive Environments

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


C 167


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 229

Ernst Kruijff

Professor for Human Computer Interaction, Co-Director Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)


Sankt Augustin


C 273


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9616