Department of Computer Science
Doctorate for alumnus Christof Hammer
On 05 July 2023, Christof Hammer successfully defended his doctoral thesis at Hasselt University, Diepenbeck Campus, Belgium.
The jury consisted of 8 professors from Belgium (University of Hasselt, University of Leuwen) and Germany (H-BRS and FH-Aachen) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ronald Thoelen, who is also Dean of the "Faculty of Engineering Technology".
(Jury members: Prof. Dr. Roos Peeters (chairperson), Prof. Dr. Ronald Thoelen (first assessor), Prof. Dr. Luc Claesen and Prof. Dr. Ward de Ceuninck from Hasselt University and Prof. Dr. Patrick Wagner from Leuwen University, Prof. Dr. Torsten Wagner from FH-Aachen as well as Prof. Dr. Norbert Jung (second assessor) and Prof. Dr. Peter Kaul from Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, University of Applied Sciences).
Hammer completed his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the H-BRS, followed by his Master's degree in Computer Science with a specialisation in "Embedded Systems". He worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Security Research (ISF) and then moved to the DLR Institute for Terrestrial Infrastructure Protection as a group leader for Cyber-Physical Systems.
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