Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science: Dean's office confirmed

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Prof Dr Sascha Alda extends his term of office as Dean of the Department of Computer Science. Prof Dr Matthias Bertram remains Vice Dean.

Dean's office after re-election; left: Prof Dr Sascha Alda, Dean; right: Prof Dr Matthias Bertram, Vice Dean

The Department of Computer Science is pleased to announce the re-election of the current Dean's Office. After a successful term of office, the existing Dean's Board was confirmed for a further term of office. The re-election took place during the Faculty Council meeting on 23 May 2024.

Sascha Alda has been a Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Software Architecture at H-BRS since the beginning of 2010. He has been Dean of the Department of Computer Science since 2022, having already gained valuable experience as Vice Dean since 2020.

Matthias Bertram, Professor of Information Systems, in particular Information and Communication Systems, will continue to hold the position of Vice Dean, which he has held since 2022.

The Department of Computer Science wishes the re-elected Dean's Office every success and looks forward to continuing our productive collaboration.


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