Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science
Sankt Augustin
C 160
Grantham-Allee 20
53754, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 231Profile
Research Interests
Scientific Computing
High Performance Computing
Physical Models
Parallel Solvers
Exercise Course: Introduction to Programming (2014W, 2015W, 2016W)
Exercise Course: Datastructures and Algorithms (2015S, 2016S, 2017S)
Laboratory for parallel and distributed systems (C013.1)
Compute cluster: Platform for scientific computing
Director: Prof. Dr. Rodolf Berrendorf
Curriculum vitae
2011: TH Köln, BSc Electrical Engineering (Applied Optics and Electronics)
2013: UAS Koblenz, MSc Applied Pysics
Since 2014: H-BRS, Research Associate - computer science department
J. Razzaq, R. Berrendorf, S. Hack, M. Weierstall, J. P. Ecker and F. Mannuss
"The DynB Sparse Matrix Format Using Variable Sized 2D Blocks for Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplications with General Matrix Structures" in International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol 10, no 1&2, pp. 48–58, 2017.
J. Razzaq, R. Berrendorf, S. Hack, M. Weierstall, and F. Mannuss
"Fixed and variable sized block techniques for sparse matrix vector multiplication with general matrix structures" in Proc. Tenth Intl. Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2016), pp. 84–90, 2016. (Best Paper Award)
J. Razzaq, R. Berrendorf, J. P. Ecker, S. E. Scholl and F. Manuss
"Performance Characterization of Multiprocessors and Accelerators Using Micro-Benchmarks" in International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol 9, no 1&2, pp. 77-90, 2016
R. Berrendorf, J. P. Ecker, J. Razzaq, S. E. Scholl and F. Mannuss
"Using Application Oriented Micro-Benchmarks to Characterize the Performance of Single-node Hardware Architectures" in Proc. Ninth Intl. Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2015), pp. 28–35, 2015.