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Department of Computer Science

International Dual Degree Master Program in Computer Science

UNB Campus Fredericton
A dual degree program is a study program for students seeking for an intensive international and intercultural experience.

The dual degree program with University of New Brunswick is targetting students in the Master of Computer Science (M.Sc.) or Master of Autonomous Systems (M.Sc.) programs at the H-BRS. In this program, students transfer to UNB at the beginning of the academic year in Canada in August / September after two or three semesters of study in Germany. At UNB, they study for a further year during which they concentrate mainly on their Master's thesis in addition to a few courses. After the Master's thesis has been recognised by H-BRS, the graduates each have a Canadian and a German Master's degree entitling them to a doctorate, which, in addition to the intensive intercultural experience, enables them to look for work in both countries without any problems.

Study plans and mutual recognition of credits:

Porgram Coordinators: Prof. Ken Kent, Prof. Rainer Herpers
Kontaktperson H-BRS: Nadine Kutz


FAQ for the Dual Degree Master-Program with UNB

Who can apply?

Applicants for the dual degree program must be enrolled in one of the Master's programs in Informatik (M.Sc.) or Autonomous Systems (M.Sc.) at H-BRS.

What academic requirements do I have to fulfil?

At the time of application, a Bachelor's degree certificate with a grade point average of 2.3 is required. It is expected that a grade point average of at least 2.3 with at least 48 ECTS is also achieved in the courses of the Master's program prior to the start of the stay at UNB.

What language requirements do I have to fulfil?

At the time of application, a language proficiency certificate shoudl be available. More information can be found on the UNB-Website for Graduate Studies / Admissions

How many students can participate per year?

There is no formal limit for admission to the dual degree program. Usually, the group of candidates consists of up to 5 students.

Do I have to pay tuition fees?

Students pay fees or semester contributions at the institutions where they are enrolled. More information on semester contributions at H-BRS can be found here. More information on tuition fees at UNB can be found here (Full-time, Research Based).


How do I finance my stay in Canada?

In order to finance tuition fees and living expenses during your stay in Canada, you are free to combine your Master's thesis with a project in one of the laboratories at UNB.

How do I find a topic and a supervisor for my Master's thesis at UNB?

Already at the time of your application to UNB, you should identify potential supervisors for your Master's thesis at UNB and contact them by sending them your transcript of grades, your Bachelor's transcript and a CV. You should send several requests for supervision of the thesis, in which you also clearly state whether you need payment or whether you would possibly participate with your own funding (scholarship, etc.). We recommend that you apply in consultation with the programme coordinators at UNB and H-BRS.

How do I apply for the program?

Since this is not a stand-alone degree program, but rather a study plan that allows you to pursue two degree programs in parallel, you must apply for both programs separately. First, you will be enrolled in one of the Master's programs in Computer Science (M.Sc.) or Autonomous Systems (M.Sc.). Provided you meet the requirements for application at UNB, the application for the Master in Computer Science at UNB takes place in January/February of the 1st or 2nd semester (depending on whether you were enrolled in the summer or winter semester).

What does the study program look like?

In the first two to three semesters (depending on whether you were enrolled in the summer or winter semester) you will study the regular program of the Master of Computer Science (M.Sc.)  or Master of Autonomous Systems (M.Sc.) at H-BRS. Please refer to the curriculum of the respective study program.

Of the courses you take during your first year at H-BRS, UNB will count two towards its Master in Computer Science. The program also allows you to take two more courses while still at H-BRS as UNB courses. This can be done either through online participation or by taking courses with H-BRS professors who also hold adjunct status at UNB.

Depending on how many UNB courses you have already passed during your stay at H-BRS, you will take one to three regular Master's courses during your stay at UNB. All other modules such as Directed Reading are related to the thesis.

Study plans and mutual recognition of credits:

What happens if I have not completed the regular coursework before I go to Canada?

The minimum number of credits before starting the mobility is 48 ECTS. In general, it is possible to make up missing modules from the first semesters at the UNB.

Further Study Programs

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Computer Science (BSc)

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Computer Science (MSc)

Studiengang MAS - Teasercut (DE)

Autonomous Systems (MSc)

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Visual Computing & Games Technology (MSc)



Rainer Herpers

Scientific Director of the Graduate Institute, Professor for Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Multimedia Applications , Director of the Institute for Visual Computing, Director of the Department of Informatics and Data Science at PK NRW

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


F 427


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


Sankt Augustin


C 275


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

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B. Kenneth Kent

Honorary Professor, IBM Center for Advanced Studies - Atlantic


Sankt Augustin


C 253


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


Team International


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin