Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)

Partnership with Raketenstart: legal know-how for founders

Partnerschaft Raketenstart Start-up-Manufaktur

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Are you concerned about legal issues and contracts during the start-up process? We were able to win the start-up RAKETENSTART as a partner of the Start-up-Manufaktur and thus help you to finally solve your legal headaches!

RAKETENSTART is perfect for founders who want to consider all relevant legal aspects and are looking for a simple and quick solution. As a H-BRS member, you have free access to extended content of the Legal Academy with explanatory videos on all important legal issues.

In addition to the offer, you can use a contract generator at RAKETENSTART for quick contract drafting and expert lawyers for individual advice.

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Here's how it works

Through our partnership, you will receive exclusive access to even more content from the Academy with our discount code. You can obtain the discount code from the Start-up-Manufaktur team at gruenden@h-brs.de or in the start-up consultation. 

  • Step 1: Register at: https://raketenstart.de/.
  • Step 2: Go to Buy Academy and then select Startup Boost under Summary.
  • Step 3: You can then enter your discount code to receive the offer for 0 euros.

Förderlogos SUPRA-Projekt
The Start-up-Manufaktur is an initiative of CENTIM and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the EXIST programme (Logos: Exist.de)
Key Visual Start-up-Manufaktur - H-BRS Gründungszentrum Neu

H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre

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Start-up Support

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Sign up for the start-up consultation


Personenbild Karoline Noth_2025

Karoline Noth

Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)




H 306


Von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 9850


Sankt Augustin


F 413


Grantham-Allee 20

Sankt Augustin
