Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)

Individual coaching for future entrepreneurs and people interested in founding their own business - for a short time only

Wednesday 12 April 2023

In addition to our start-up consultation, we are now offering exclusive one-to-one coaching for aspiring entrepreneurs and those interested in founding a business for a short time only.
Schmuckbild Coaching Start-up-Manufaktur

Coaching: What is it?

Our coaching for aspiring entrepreneurs and people interested in founding a business is about taking time for yourself and your personal development. There are always phases in our lives when we need support in not losing sight of our own goals and strengths.

Through certain questioning techniques and a change of perspective, you have the opportunity to take on new perspectives and get more clarity about your personal concerns.

Typical topics that are suitable for coaching are:

... do I want to found a start-up or become self-employed?
... am I on the right path professionally?
... how can I make a decision that is right for me?
... can I handle stress and unfamiliar situations well?
... can I assess my strengths well?
... can I stand up for my values?


If you are interested in a coaching session with Alida Hensen, please contact her by e-mail to make an appointment: alida.hensen@h-brs.de. Please summarise your personal concerns in advance and send them to her for preparation of the appointment.

Please allow about 60 minutes for the first coaching session. The coaching sessions can take place either online or at the Rheinbach and Sankt Augustin campuses. The offer is free of charge for all university members.

Which questions are not suitable for coaching?

... how do I write a business plan?
... how do I finance my company?
... where do I find a co-founder and new team members?

If these questions are on your mind, then come and see us at the start-up consultation.

Förderlogos SUPRA-Projekt
The Start-up-Manufaktur is an initiative of CENTIM and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the EXIST programme (Logos: Exist.de)
Key Visual Start-up-Manufaktur - H-BRS Gründungszentrum Neu

H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre

CENTIM Start-up Manufaktur Beratung 20220519 foto eric lichtenscheidt 05 fs22.jpg

Start-up Support