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Graduate Institute

Save the Date: PhD Day 2024

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Wednesday, 28 February 2024


09:30 - 20:00


Sankt Augustin Campus, Applied Research Center (ZAF) buildings G/H

Join us for workshops, networking and your yearly PhD assembly.

A PhD Day will take place again this year with a varied workshop programme, which was created according to your wishes from the last survey. As commitments and appointments often pile up at the end of the calendar year, we have decided, together with your PhD representatives, to hold the PhD Day at the beginning of 2024.

We will meet on Friday 28 February at the Sankt Augustin campus. The detailed programme can be seen in LEA. As in previous years, there will be two parallel tracks, one in German and one in English, so that our internationals can also participate all day. In the afternoon, as usual, there will be the general meeting of PhD students and in the evening there will be a social get-together with food and drinks in A102 after 6 p.m.



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Miriam Lüdtke-Handjery

M.Sc. M.A., Graduate Institute: Scientific Advisor, Department of Computer Science: Project Cyber Campus NRW


Sankt Augustin


F 423


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 704