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Geovanny Giorgana, Master in Autonomous Systems

The Mexican Geovanny Giorgana is currently Professor at the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab in Mérida. He decided to come to Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg to study the robotic course “Autonomous Systems” and graduated with a Master’s degree in 2011. During his studies at H-BRS, Giorgana participated in several RoboCup competitions in Austria, Singapore and China. Being part of the b-it-bots team was an especially important experience for him, as it contributed to his personal and professional development.

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As a professor at the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, Giorgana mainly teaches about topics such as artificial intelligence, analog and digital control theory, data communications and networking as well as electric circuit analysis: “I am not afraid to say that several of the opportunities I have received in the professional field have been due to my studies abroad at H-BRS, together with my participation in this successful project.”

For Giorgana, one main challenge is to create solid links between the university and the private sector of the region: “It has been through the managing and development of different technology projects that such a collaboration has been able to thrive.”  He wants to provide a real scenario to students from the university. Especially mechatronics majors are encouraged to get involved and to understand the different stages of the joint projects. Thanks to the collaboration between the two parties it is possible to connect theory with work practice.

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During his studies at H-BRS, he was part of the H-BRS’ b-it-bots team which was of great benefit to him: “Nowadays I can say that this experience has helped me grow both personally and professionally.” His team won first price during two RoboCup German Open and one RoboCup World Championship.

Additionally, Giorgana was a scientific assistant at Fraunhofer IAIS in Bonn for almost a year. His latest research and development project included the design and development of customized iBeacon devices. Together with colleagues and professors he has published a paper in the “Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems” on An Autonomous Service Robot for Domestic Environments. For the RoboCup Symposium 2011, he, together with his professor and head of the study programme, Prof. Dr. Paul G. Plöger, created an input about Facial Expression Recognition for Domestic Service Robots.

Alumnus Geovanny Giorgana during the first International Alumni Conference, September 2015 (DE)

Giorgana was happy when he was invited to return to Bonn in September 2015 for the first ever International Alumni Conference of H-BRS with the topic Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Challenges to be faced in Project Management. Most inspiring for him was the exchange of experiences with other alumni about topics related to project management as well as professional experiences.


by Marion Ender, graduate assistant and student of the International Media Studies programme at H-BRS in collaboation with the university of Bonn and Deutsche Welle Akademie.