Forschungsimpuls – CytoTransport

Latest News

The "CytoTransport" project will start on 01.04.2024. Latest information from the research cluster will be published here.

We are hiring!

We are looking for the following employees (d/f/m) for our „CytoTransport“ team as of 01.04.2024, subject to the final funding letter:

- One full-time project coordinator (limited until 31.03.2029)
Administrative coordination of the research cluster

- One full-time research associate/PostDoc (limited until 31.03.2029)
Physiology of membrane transport processes

- One full-time research associate/PostDoc (limited until 31.03.2029)
Computational molecular modeling

- 9 part-time research associate/PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) candidate positions (65 %; limited until 31.03.2027)
Research in sub-projects of the research network, with the possibility of work towards a doctorate awarded e.g. via the Promotionskolleg NRW (

- One full-time technical assistant (limited until 31.03.2029)
Cell culture, molecular biology and protein biochemistry

If we have sparked your interest, you will find detailed information on the individual positions at: