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Consortium of Virtual Exchange (CoVE)

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About the Consortium

The Consortium of Virtual Exchange (CoVE) was set up at a joint meeting of the Country Coordinators of the ProGlobe and the Building Bridges Across Continents (BBAC) projects held on the 8 May 2020. This meeting was preceded by earlier meetings in Sankt Augustin, Germany on 20 February 2020. During these meetings, members discussed the possibility of setting up a Virtual Exchange Consortium with Coordinators from Canada, Ghana, Germany, Portugal, Kenya and the USA as founding members. They unanimously agreed to start the Consortium. The Consortium has grown since then, and is delighted to welcome China as a member since 2024.

Objectives of the Consortium

The objectives of the consortium:

  • To encourage the use of virtual exchanges in learning;
  • To provide an opportunity to exchange ideas;
  • Sharing best practices and research outcomes; and
  • To build a community of virtual exchange practitioners.

Vision Statement

Building a community of Virtual Exchange.

Mission Statement

We offer opportunities to work virtually on joint projects around the world to share ideas and create knowledge to foster global diversity.

Virtual Exchange Projects


Building Bridges Across Continents




Becoming an International Negotiator

VE China Hub Logo

Virtual Exchange (VE) China Hub


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Regina C. Brautlacht

Presidential Commissioner | Advisor for Global Digital Learning, Senior Lecturer in Business Communication and Entrepreneurship, Coordinator of the English Programme (Department of Management Sciences) StA, Project Lead Digital Internationalization of the Departments (DIF)


Sankt Augustin


E 003


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Mondays: 08:00 - 09:00 a.m. (E 003) or by appointment

Frau Brautlacht wird unterstützt durch die E-Tutorin des Sprachenzentrums:


+49 2241 865 764