University and District Library

Deletion of LEA Archive courses on 5 Nov 2018

Thursday 4 October 2018

Deletion of LEA Archive courses dating from summer semester 2011 to summer semester 2014

Dear colleagues,

In order to ensure adherence to copyright and data protection laws and with regard to the rapidly increasing amounts of data on our servers, we are no longer able to archive content on the platform indefinitely.

This is why we will delete Archive courses older than 8 semesters – i.e. from summer semester 2011 to summer semester 2014 – on 5 Nov 2018.

Please review your courses from that period and check if you need any of the materials contained in them. If this is the case, you can

a) move the materials to one of your current courses yourself or

b) let us know which materials need to be moved where.

The new archiving and deletion procedure is as follows:

Step 1: Courses related to a specific semester (e.g. WS 18_19) will be moved to the Archive at the end of the semester (as before).

Step 2: After 8 semesters, they will be deleted from the Archive (this is new).

Please note that the Archive is simply a different section on the platform. Students can still access archived courses if availability and registration settings are set accordingly. If you would like to block access to your archived courses, please deactivate the “Online” checkbox in the course settings or delete them completely if you are sure you no longer need them.

If you have any queries, just let us know.

Best regards

Your e-learning team