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University and District Library

Lending periods

Literaturkabinett Bibliothek
Lending periods, special lending periods and renewals

Lending periods

Ausleihe in der Bibliothek am Selbstverbucher

General holdings (books / magazines):

Books: 28 days / magazines: 7 days - for students & district patrons

Books: 168 days / magazines 7 days - for staff

District holdings (marked by district sticker on item):

28 days - for everyone

Interlibrary loans have individual lending periods (see receipt)

Technical equipment, e.g. powerbanks, laptops: can be borrowed until the end of the day for use inside the library




Fensterbänke in der Bibliothek

Renewing the loan period

In the last 7 days before the end of a borrowed item's loaning period, you can renew it on your own using Bib-Discover.

Maximum loan period:

Books: 84 days / magazines: 21 days - for students and district patrons
Books: 504 days / magazines: 21 days - for staff

Sign in to Bib-Discover using your library number and (MIA-) password to see an overview of your borrowed media and fees.

Lernen in der Bibliothek

Special lending period for H-BRS students

Students of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg writing their bachelor or master thesis can apply for a special, longer loan period for any required media items (PDF form can be sent via e-mail: or handed in at the service desk).


Kontakt, Adressen & Öffnungszeiten

Library Campus Sankt Augustin


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 680

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8 am - 10 pm (from 6 pm: security staff)

Saturday: 10 am - 7 pm (from 3 pm: security staff)

Library Campus Rheinbach




Von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 480

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 10 pm

Saturday: 10 am - 7 pm