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Equal Opportunity

Announcement for theses with gender relevance

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The Equal Opportunity Commission awards annual prizes for the best bachelor's thesis and master's thesis with gender relevance by H-BRS students.

Announcement for theses with gender relevance

In 2024, the Equal Opportunities Commission will again award a prize for the best bachelor's thesis with gender relevance as well as a prize for the best master's thesis with gender relevance. Achieving gender equality and improving the living conditions of women or promoting their social participation in all areas of life is a goal for society as a whole. The plurality of perspectives is highly suitable for uncovering existing deficits and pointing out practice-oriented solutions. Therefore, we welcome applications from all students regardless of their gender and regardless of their field of study.

Requirements and general conditions:

  • All students whose work has been submitted and evaluated with "very good" between 1.8.2023 and 31.7.2024 at H-BRS are expected to be included in the selection.
  • For collaborative papers, all author:s must meet these first two requirements.
  • There is only one prize for all bachelor's degree programs, likewise only one prize for all master's degree programs.
  • The Equal Opportunity Commission decides on the winner of the prize.
  • In the evaluation, the thesis is considered first and foremost. Criteria are gender relevance, originality, interdisciplinarity and practical relevance.

The following must be submitted:

  • Letter of motivation (maximum half a page, with full contact details)
  • abstract of the thesis, which must include the fur criteria of gender relevance, originality, interdisciplinarity and practical relevance (maximum one page)
  • brief statement of the first supervisor (maximum half a page, with full contact details)
  • transcript of grades
  • everything to be submitted as a PDF, preferably in one document

The deadline for applications is most likely July 31th, 2024 (11 p. m.). The prizes are each endowed with € 1,000. The Equal Opportunity Commission reserves the right to make changes.

We would be very pleased to receive your own applications. The Equal Opportunity Officer and the members of the Equal Opportunity Commission will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

You still have questions?

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Barbara Hillen-Haas

Central Equal Opportunity Officer, Scientific staff member


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin
