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Biomedical Sciences (MSc)

Industry Track

With the industry track within the MSc in Biomedical Sciences, we offer students additional insight into the biomedical industry. In detail, the industry track provides training in applied topics such as Clinical Research, Epidemiology, Regulatory Affairs of Medicinal Products & Medical Devices. The topics are part of the compulsory and elective courses and are further augmented with a lecture series with speakers from industry and regulatory agencies.

The participants will decide in the first semester whether to participate in the industry track and will receive a certificate together with the Master certificate.

Please save the date for our this year’s symposium:  


15TH OF JUNE 2019, 1 PM - 6 PM




With the lecture series “Insight in Industry” we offer students additional insight into recent and relevant topics of the biomedical industry. This lecture series also provides students the opportunity to interact and engaged with the speakers from industry to grow their own professional network.

Dr. Martin Pfister
Senior Investment Manager
High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Venture Capital - "Shark tank"
Show or start up support?

December 11, 2019;


Dr. Ansgar Schulte
Head of the Office Change Management and Idea Management
Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
Overview - Structures - Job opportunities @ BfArM
November 2018;


PD Dr. Hubertus Pietsch
Chief Scientist
Head of MR & CT Contrast Media Research
Bayer AG
A Brief Introduction to Diagnostic Imaging
November 2018;


Dr. Frank Emde
Managing Director
Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co. KG
Profile of qualification and job specification in the interdisciplinary field of bioprocess-engineering
January 2018;


Joachim Trenz
Associate Business Manager
Real Staffing
Headhunter’s Guide to Industry:
Job Profiles in biotech industry & Practical tips for application

December 2017;


Dr. Elmar Kroth
Head of Scientific Affairs
German Medicines Manufacturers' Association:
Opportunities in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Pharmacovigilance and Information Management
November 2017;



alumni-newsletter-2-18-clinical-research.jpg (DE)

Marcus Borchert (Chiltern International GmbH), Lena Finke (H-BRS), Ann-Marie Lukas (H-BRS), Maria Antonia Detrois (ICON Clinical Research GmbH), Caren Runz (H-BRS), Dr. Daniel Hofmann (Merck KGaA), Prof. Martin Sieber (H-BRS), Viktoria Kneisler (H-BRS) und Dr. Benedikt Kohlstädde (Bayer AG) | Foto: privat

Alumni-Comeback: Karriereberichte aus der Klinischen Forschung | Beim Symposium „Clinical 360“ am Samstag, 16. Juni, berichteten fünf berufserfahrene Absolventen der Studiengänge Applied Biology und Biomedical Science  vor rund 60 Studierenden der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg und der Universität Bonn von ihrer Karriere im Bereich Klinischer Forschung, von Unternehmenserfahrungen, Arbeitsbedingungen, Herausforderungen und Chancen. Die Absolventen hoben zum einen die tolle praxisnahe Ausbildung an der Hochschule hervor, zum anderen die guten Karrierechancen im Bereich Klinischer Forschung. Eingeladen und das Treffen organisiert hatten Studierende des Industry Track des Studiengangs Biomedical Science gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Martin Sieber vom Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften.