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Communications and Marketing

Alumni Questionnaire

Alumni from all departments share their story of their studies and careers on our website. Take part and show how you can go on after your studies at H-BRS.

Tell us about your studies, career entry or further career path and send us your answers for an alumni portrait on our website.

Our questions for you:

  • What does your business card say?
  • What are your tasks; what does your typical working day look like?
  • What is the coolest thing about your job? What don't you like so much?
  • What knowledge and skills that you need in your job today did you acquire or learn during your studies at H-BRS?
  • Curious, funny, sad things during your studies - what would you tell your children?
  • What advice would you give to our students who have yet to start their careers?
  • “For me, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is...” - Would you like to complete this sentence for us?

And what's next?
Please send us your answers with a picture of yourself, preferably in high resolution, to We would also like to see one or two more photos from your professional environment or from your city/region.

Please be sure to include your first and last name, degree program and current job.

By sending your e-mail, you agree that the text and image may be published on the H-BRS website under “Alumni Portraits”. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes, e.g. shortening.

You can of course withdraw your consent at any time. Just send an email to and we will delete your portrait in time. We would also be pleased to receive a short e-mail if there is any news.


Gruppenbild_Alumnibrunch 20.Juni2015.jpg(DE)

Open questions?

bwh_fuer_web.jpg (DE)

Barbara Wieners-Horst

Referentin Alumni-Management | Alumni Coordinator


Sankt Augustin


E 238


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9603