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Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE)

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News (3829)

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Adam Gaier wins E-Drive Academy award

This prize is awarded to the two most promising projects from over 50 contributions on energy efficient driving and batteries in electric mobility

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

IEEE ETFA Special Session on "Mobile Robotics in the Factory of the Future"

The special session is part of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) and is co-organised by Nico Hochgeschwender

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Ronny Hartanto appointed professor of Computer Engineering at Rhein-Waal University

Ronny was one of the first students of our Master of Autonomous Systems program

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots vice world champions in RoboCup@Work 2014

The b-it-bots places 2nd at the RoboCup@Work World Championship 2014

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots place 3rd at RoboCup@Work German Open 2014

An impressive result for the team consisting almost entirely of new members

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

2nd place for the b-it-bots at IROS12

b-it-bots achieve 2nd place at the first IROS competition

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots place 3rd at RoboCup@Work 2012

The b-it-bots got on the podium at the first RoboCup@Work competition

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots place 2nd at RoboCup@Home German Open 2012

Jenny and the b-it-bots placed second at the GermanOpen 2012

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots place 3rd at RoboCup@Home 2011

Jenny finishes on the podium after her first world championship

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots place 3rd at the RoboCup@Home German Open 2011

Our new robot Jenny places third at its first tournament

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots on the podium again at RoboCup@Home 2010

The team took 3rd place at the RoboCup World Championship 2010 in the @Home league

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots bring home gold… again!

The b-it-bots successfully defended the German Open title with Johnny Jackanapes

b-it-bots at RoboCup 2009

Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots win the RoboCup World Championship 2009 in the @Home League

The b-it-bots, with Johnny Jackanapes, won the RoboCup 2009 championships held in Graz, Austria in the @Home league
