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Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE)

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News (3829)

AFCEA award ceremony 2022

Do., 19. Januar 2023

MAS graduate Arun Prabhu wins 2nd place AFCEA award for his master's thesis

Arun won the award for his master's thesis "An investigation of regression as an avenue to find precision-runtime trade-off for object segmentation"

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

MAS student Samuel Parra wins "DAAD award for outstanding achievements of international students"

Samuel is not only an active student researcher, but also volunteers in the MAS foundations course and organises various social events for the MAS students

Kaushik Manjunatha portrait

Do., 19. Januar 2023

MAS student Kaushik Manjunatha part of an award-winning team at the ML2R Autumn School 2021

Kaushik was part of a team that won the "Autumn School Compactness Award"

IROS21 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Alex Mitrevski, Prof. Plöger, and Prof. Lakemeyer take joint 2nd place for the best poster award at the SPAR workshop at IROS 2021

A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Hybrid Execution Models of Parameterised Actions for Explainable and Diagnosable Robot Action Execution"

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Houben joins Autonomous Systems Group

Prof. Houben's research focuses on perception for autonomous robots using machine learning

IROS21 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Autonomous Systems Group at IROS 2021

Two papers will be presented by Santosh and Alex; both of them are also chairing sessions at the conference

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Paper by Salman Omar Sohail and Alex Mitrevski accepted at ECMR 2021

S. O. Sohail, A. Mitrevski, N. Hochgeschwender, and P. G. Plöger, "Property-Based Testing in Simulation for Verifying Robot Action Execution in Tabletop Manipulation"

IROS21 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Papers by Alex Mitrevski and Santosh Thoduka accepted at IROS 2021

The paper titles are "Ontology-Assisted Generalisation of Robot Action Execution Knowledge" and "Using Visual Anomaly Detection for Task Execution Monitoring"

ICRA21 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Paper by Alex Mitrevski and Prof. Plöger accepted at ICRA 2021

A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Robot Action Diagnosis and Experience Correction by Falsifying Parameterised Execution Models"

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

MAS student Ganesamanian Kolappan wins "DAAD award for outstanding achievements of international students"

Ganesamanian organised the MAS foundations course and has been a regular study buddy volunteer for incoming students of the Master of Autonomous Systems program

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Alex Mitrevski, Prof. Plöger, and Prof. Lakemeyer awarded the "Best Paper Award in Cognitive Robotics" at IROS 2020

A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Representation and Experience-Based Learning of Explainable Models for Robot Action Execution" is the winner paper

IROS20 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Paper by Alex Mitrevski and Prof. Plöger finalist for the IROS 2020 "Best Paper Award on Cognitive Robotics"

A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Representation and Experience-Based Learning of Explainable Models for Robot Action Execution"

IROS20 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Paper by Alex Mitrevski and Prof. Plöger accepted at IROS 2020

A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Representation and Experience-Based Learning of Explainable Models for Robot Action Execution"
