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News (3829)

ICRA20 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Paper by Ahmed Abdelrahman and Alex Mitrevski accepted at ICRA 2020

A. F. Abdelrahman, A. Mitrevski, and P. G. Plöger, "Context-Aware Task Execution Using Apprenticeship Learning"

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

MAS graduate Markus Wiktorin wins VDI Förderpreis

Markus won the prize for his master's thesis with the title "Development of a Maneuver Controller for Truck Platooning"

Advanced Machine Learning Winter School 2020

Do., 19. Januar 2023

"Advanced Machine Learning" winter school between 10.02-06.03.2020

The winter school is organised by Dr. Matias Valdenegro Toro and Octavio Arriaga from the Robotics Innovation Center of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Prof. Dr. Nico Hochgeschwender joins the Autonomous Systems faculty

Prof. Hochgeschwender was previously a member of the research staff in the Autonomous Systems Group

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots world champions at RoboCup@Work 2019

The b-it-bots@Work team builds on its victory at the German Open and wins at the world championships as well

IROS19 logo

Do., 19. Januar 2023

Papers by Sven Schneider and Prof. Nico Hochgeschwender accepted at IROS 2019

Titles: "Exploiting Linearity in Dynamics Solvers for the Design of Composable Robotic Manipulation Architectures" and "Arguing Security of Autonomous Robots"

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Anastassia Kuestenmacher successfully defends her PhD

Anastassia successfully defended her PhD, titled “Improving the Reliability of Service Robots in the Presence of External Faults” at RWTH Aachen with magna cum laude

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

2nd place for b-it bots@Work at German Open 2018

The team also won prizes for the Line Following Test and the Arbitrary Surface Test

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

AFCEA awards for MAS graduates Matias Valdenegro and Sergey Alexandrov

Matias Valdenegro obtains first place, while Sergey Alexandrov third place, both for their master's thesis research

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots place 3rd at RoboCup@Work 2015

The team finishes on the podium for a second consecutive year

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Best student paper award for MAS student Ashok Sundaram

Ashok Meenakshi Sundaram, together with Melanie Ludwig, won the best student paper award at the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well (ICT3AgeingWell) in Lisbon

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

Prof. Dr. Erwin Prassler elected vice president of IEEE RAS

During his term of office from 2016 to 2017, he will be responsible for Industrial Activities

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Do., 19. Januar 2023

b-it-bots place 2nd in the @Work league at German Open 2015

The team ends on the podium among considerably larger competition compared to previous years
