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Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE)

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Di., 28. April 2015

Winter School 2013: Mobile Manipulation

(The participants marvel at the service robot Jenny)

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Di., 28. April 2015

Two awards for MAS students

This years' official opening of the academic year took place at our campus in Rheinbach. However, the majority of the departments' academic staff and professors followed president Prof. Dr. Hartmut Ihnes invitation to welcome the new students and look back at the university's development and achievements in the past year.

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Di., 28. April 2015

The Architecture of Perception

Nico Hochgeschwender (left) with other fellowship holders at the PhD Poster Exhibition

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Di., 28. April 2015

Reappointed as Adjunct Professor

The Canadian University of New Brunswick (UNB) has offered Rainer Herpers, Professor for Computer Science at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (BRSU), the...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Kick it like R2-D2 – RoboCup Junior

One of the four qualifying tournaments for the national RoboCup Junior in Magdeburg this year was held at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University from Saturday 23 February to Sunday 24...

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Di., 28. April 2015

E-Discovery – Sherlock Goes Digital

For the IP E-Discovery 2013, around 60 European Computer Science, Information Management and Law students and a number of lecturers met in Laval, France from 25 February - 8...

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Di., 28. April 2015

IP SaSeRos: final competition

The international Intensive Programme SaSeRos finished today, April 8th, 2011, with the competition of all ten teams that had constructed their own robots. These teams had to...

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Di., 28. April 2015

New EU-Project „RoCKIn“

RoCKIn is an EU project that will be run over the next three years, consisting of robot competitions, symposiums, educational RoCKIn camps and technology transfer workshops. Our...

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Di., 28. April 2015

SaSeRoS-2012 - the winning teams

The Intensive Programme SaSeRoS-2012 coordinated by Prof. Norbert Jung has finished in Valencia with a competition for the "safest" robot.

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Di., 28. April 2015

Prof. Borutzky appointed conference chair of MIC 2013

Appointed by IASTED, the International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Professor Borutzky served as the Chair of the 32nd International Conference on...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Registration for courses

The registration period for courses of the forthcoming semester has started and it ends on 14 September 2012.

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Di., 28. April 2015

MAS: Double Degree with German-Jordanian University in the Works

A delegation from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (BRSU) has returned from a visit to the German-Jordanian University (GJU) in the Hashemite Kingdom, where...

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Di., 28. April 2015

FTBI-Award 2012

Dr. Ronny Hartanto stays on the ball: The home-grown mastermind of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University, who after his excellent master's degree in Autonomous Systems also passed his...
