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News (3863)

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Di., 26. August 2014

B2B Business: Bonn to Bordeaux

The cooperation project between the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and ENSCBP Bordeaux (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, de Biologie and de Physique) is scheduled to...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Unique Master’s programme in Social Protection starts

The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is introducing the new study programme "Analysis and Design of Social Protection...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Active Involvement Leads to Great Success

Andy Stamm, graduate in Electrical Engineering , has now successfully completed his PhD programme in Electrical Engineering at Griffith University, Brisbane, with his thesis...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Transcending Borders

Download our Yearbook 2011 and learn more about us.

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Di., 26. August 2014

A Visit to Our Jordan Partner University

On 6 April, Professor Marco Winzker visited the German-Jordan University of Amman (DJU) to have talks with the Dean and the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science.

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Di., 26. August 2014

Scholar from Jordan

To date, only students from Israel and Palestine have been supported by the scholarship scheme of German federal state of North-Rhine-Westphalia, but this year, it has been extended to...

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Di., 26. August 2014

DAAD Prize Awarded to Antonio Martins

Antonio Martins originally comes from the Brazilian capital of Brasilia. Until summer 2013, he was enrolled in the Master’s degree programme in Biomedical Sciences at the Rheinbach Campus of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Upon the University’s recommendation, the 28-year-old student was awarded a prize by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on 26th October 2013.

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Di., 26. August 2014

Visit from Jordanian Partner

Professor Abu Obeid recently became the President of the German-Jordan University (GJU), with which the Department of Computer Science of the H-BRS of Applied...

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Di., 26. August 2014

German-Namibian Conference in Hennef

The Department of Social Insurance, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and the Polytechnic of Namibia will hold an international conference entitled "Occupational Health and...

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Di., 26. August 2014

SaSeRos Shows Robots in Action

80 students from five European universities have been dealing with the topic of user-safe systems based on OpenSource software, using robots as models. The Department of Computer Science...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Registration for the Graduation Celebration

On Saturday 26 October, H-BRS will bid farewell to the graduates of the previous academic year.

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Di., 26. August 2014

[Archiv] B-IT Welcome Party 2013

On a sunny Thursday, 24 October 2013, many students of the B-IT Master Programmes and their university lecturers went to the Bonn-Aachen International Graduate Center.

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Di., 26. August 2014

Partnership Agreement with Wartburg College

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University has got a new cooperation partner: Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa/USA. The academic partnership between the two universities, preceded by a one-year..
