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Zentrum für Innovation und Entwicklung in der Lehre (ZIEL)

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News (3863)

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Di., 26. August 2014

Chinese Students: Trip to Brühl

The eleven Chinese students are currently taking part in an intensive German course in the Language Centre on our Sankt Augustin campus. After having completed this training, they are...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Poster Award for Yu Zhang

The Seventh International Stem Cell Congress of the NRW Competence Network was held in Cologne on 23rd and 24th April. The conference, which attracted a lot of public attention, was...

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Di., 26. August 2014

ILIAS Goes Live with LEA

Studying and working collaboratively - the e-learning platform of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is now going live with LEA.

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Di., 26. August 2014

Minister Praises International Activities

Today, Friday, Dr Angelica Schwall-Düren, Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media of the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, visited our university - accompanied by...

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Di., 26. August 2014

b-it-bots and Johnny Ranked Third in Home League

Team b-it-bots has secured itself a podium position again: Johnny the Robot came third in the 2010 RoboCup World Championships in Singapore.Despite its poor start in the preliminary round...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Cooperation with Istanbul University

Katharina Seuser has assumed a guest professorship in the area of environmental journalism, while Paul Melcher is establishing new contacts with the Faculty of Engineering Science.

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Di., 26. August 2014

BMBF funds university research projects

All of the three research project proposals submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the scheme "Research at Universities of Applied Sciences in...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Adjunct Professor

Rainer Herpers, Professor of Computer Science, has been offered an appointment as Adjunct Professor by New Brunswick University, Canada, for an additional four years. The appointment...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Award Ceremony in Aberdeen

Biology student Birgit Honrath and Timo Herrmann, student of Forensic Science, recently obtained their Bachelor of Honours degrees at our partner university in Aberdeen. On top of that,...

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Di., 26. August 2014

15th Anniversary of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

Join in now! Students and members of our University are organising this event on the basis of their own ideas.

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Di., 26. August 2014

[Archiv] A Successful Visit to Ethiopia

The impressions that Prof. Michael Krzeminski and Prof. Elvira Jankowski brought back from their visit to Ethiopia were very positive and far exceeded their expectations...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Popularity ranking of world Universities

The website "4icu.org" provides an approximate popularity ranking of world Universities and Colleges based upon the popularity of their websites. This is intended to help international...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Expedition to the Arctic

Laura Wischnewski, a student of Forensic Sciences at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University, is taking part in an expedition to Spitzbergen together with a team of researchers from the Alfred Wegener...
