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Mo., 22. September 2014

Strömung ist berechenbar

Vor 13 Jahren wurde Gerd Steinebach als Professor an die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg berufen. Doch im öffentlichen Dienst arbeitete er auch schon vorher, sodass Hochschulpräsident Hartmut Ihne dem promovierten Mathematiker zum 25-jährigen Dienstjubiläum gratulieren konnte.

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Mi., 17. September 2014

Do you wish to study? There are still some places

Good news for all those who wish to start studying this winter semester after all: there are still several vacant study places available at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University.

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Mi., 17. September 2014

Studying on the Bosporus

From the winter semester a German-Turkish partnership will give students the opportunity to enrol in the double Master’s degree programme "International Media Studies – Turkish-German Master’s Programme".

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Di., 16. September 2014

Kampagne der Hochschule für mehr Miteinander

Wem sind sie noch nicht begegnet, die farbigen Plakate, die für Fairness, Gemeinsamkeit, Vielfalt und Respekt werben? Die Hochschule macht mit einer Kampagne klar, dass sie ein ...

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Di., 16. September 2014

Stefan Freitag auf der ICERI in Bangkok

Stefan Freitag von der H-BRS hält auf der "International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation" in Bangkok einen Vortrag zum Thema "Self made video tutorials in math education: in-class vs. online usage".

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Do., 11. September 2014

BRS Motorsport: Erster Pokal bei der FS Italy

Zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte hat das BRS Motorsport-Team an einem Formula-Student-Event außerhalb Deutschlands teilgenommen und ist gleich mit einem einem Pokal zurückgekehrt...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Dual Degree Followed by a PhD Programme

True, Marcel Dombrowski and Konstantin Nasartschuk are not the first students at the Department of Computer Science to have been awarded a dual degree by Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University ...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Our University is Now a Member of EUA

Universities and universities of applied sciences from 47 European countries are members of the European University Association (EUA), which, thus, provides them with a unique forum for...

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Di., 26. August 2014

High-Ranking Visitor from China

Prof. Fengyuan Zhuang (left) from Bejing went on a short trip to Rheinbach during his journey to Europe. There he also met Yu Zhang, doctoral candidate under the supervision of Prof. Edda...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Summer Academy in Istanbul has started

Thirteen students of Technical Journalism are currently taking part in the Seventh German-Turkish Summer Academy. Since 2005, these summer academies have been held in collaboration with...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Exciting overnight city trip to Berlin

The International Office supported a three day trip for an international student group to Berlin, 14th-16th October. It was the first overnight city trip and a special event because of...

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Di., 26. August 2014

Honorary Professor from Canada

Ken Kent, Professor of Computer Science at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton/Canada, is a specialist on hard- and software co-design, which is comparable to...

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Di., 26. August 2014

IZNE Social Business Award

The International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences launched its operations at the beginning of the current winter semester...
