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Di., 28. April 2015

FTBI-Award 2012

Dr. Ronny Hartanto stays on the ball: The home-grown mastermind of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University, who after his excellent master's degree in Autonomous Systems also passed his...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Welcome Day for International MAS-Students

Robots Jenny, Johnny and Co. are pleased with the world-wide interest in them: of the many young candidates from all over the world who applied for admission to the Master’s...

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Di., 28. April 2015

AFCEA: Awards for Christian A. Müller and José A. Alvarez Ruiz

After the triple prize last year by Robert Müller, Thomas Breuer and Martin Weier, this year a duo brought the laurel wreaths to the university.

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Di., 28. April 2015

Research projects at the Hannover Messe

The HANNOVER MESSE 2013 (April 8 to 12, 2013) is the biggest industrial trade show worldwide. It has as lead theme "Integrated Industry", the growing integration of all areas...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Hackathon - Programming marathon on a KUKA youBot

One of the Hackathons is hosted by BRSU in Sankt Augustin.For a whole week, participants can develop cool software on one of the most recent and versatile robot system: the KUKA...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Intensive Programme SaSeRoS 2013 in Finland

On Monday, 8 April 2013, the IP SaSeRoS (Safe and Secure Robots based on Open Source Software) started at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Espoo, Finnland. The...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Project of the Month September

The research project "AVeSi: Agentenbasierte Verkehrssimulation mit psychologischen Persönlichkeitsprofilen" (Agent-based Traffic Simulation with psychological personality...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Halftime for the IP SaSeRoS in Finland 2013

The first week of the Intensive Programme SaSeRoS (Safe and Secure robots based on open source software) from the eighth to 19th April 2013 at the Metropolia University of...

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Di., 28. April 2015

DAAD Award for MAS Student Pathare

(The Laureate Mandar Satyanath Pathare)

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Di., 28. April 2015

Paul Plöger is new Adjunct Professor at UNB

Our Canadian partner university UNB - University of New Brunswick - has appointed Prof. Dr. Paul G. Plöger as Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science. The...

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Di., 28. April 2015

b-it-bots: Convincing Performance at IROS Conference

The RoboCup team b-it-bots of the university came home from Portugal with a successful second place. It was the first time that a RoboCup@Work competition took place on an IROS...

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Di., 28. April 2015

IP SaSeRoS 2013: The Finals

With a competition for safe and secure robots, the Intensive Programme SaSeRoS (Safe and Secure Robots based on Open Source Software) 2013 that took place in Espoo, Finland, at...

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Di., 28. April 2015

Computer Sceince Colloquium with Prof. Kent

Prof. Kenneth Kent of the Canadian partner university UNB in Canada
