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Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

CSR & NGO Management (MBA) - discontinued

Teaser Picture of the MBA Programme CSR and NGO Management.jpg (EN)

Welcome to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program CSR & NGO Management

The MBA program "CSR and NGO Management" is designed for international working professionals and students with relevant job experience who wish to develop their management and leadership skills and enhance their careers in non-governmental development projects and sustainable businesses. The program offers academic, interdisciplinary, and intercultural exchange and deals with the management of corporate social responsibility and non-governmental organizations (CSR & NGO Management). Students can study the MBA optionally in full-time (18 months) or part-time (30 months).

Important information: This programme is being discontinued.

Applications for the winter semester 2024/25 and future semesters are therefore no longer possible.
MBA_Studierende_1435.jpg (DE)

The MBA at a glance:

  • Internationally recognized MBA degree   
  • Full-time or part-time studies possible
  • Fridays and Saturdays classes only
  • Course and administration language: English
  • International and multidisciplinary study groups 
  • AQAS Accredited international MBA program

Personal & Interdisciplinary

Learning in a small group and in close contact with experienced experts from practice, research and academic teaching enables an interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange under optimal learning conditions. Studying in an international team promotes the intercultural competencies of our participants and makes them fit for the international job market. 

Structure & Flexibility

The modular and clearly structured curriculum offers maximum flexibility to all internationally oriented professionals. Part-time students can complete their MBA degree either part-time (18 months) or full-time (30 months) while working. In case of a changing life situation during the course of studies, the course schedule can be individually adapted so that the successful completion of studies remains feasible despite all professional and private obligations that may arise. 

Practical & Updated

The course content covers all important economic, legal, political, and business fundamentals. The teaching of subject-specific management techniques is tailored to the current professional requirements of specialists and managers in the international labor market. Students learn how to promote sustainability within a non-governmental organization or a CSR department and how to establish it in their organization in a way that demands success.

Career & Perspective

Upon successful completion, participants are awarded the university degree "Master of Business Administration" (MBA). With the MBA title, graduates are also eligible for a higher academic title (e.g. PHD). 

Programme information


Curriculum and Course Syllabus

MBA Teaching and exam formats

Examinations and teaching formats

MBA Team picture

Management Team and Lecturers

students of the mba programme

Students and Graduates

In case of questions about the MBA program or are in need of an accessible version of the information provided on these pages (for example, documents), please contact the MBA coordinators, Isabella Kern or Max Bolz. We will be happy to assist you.




3 semesters full-time or 5 semesters part-time

Vorlesungssprache/ Sprachkenntnisse



Rheinbach, Sankt Augustin


Annually, mid of September



A university degree (minimum Bachelor's degree) and one year of work experience (after first academic degree).


15 November - 28 February (if visa required), 15 November - 21 May (if no visa required)

Vorlesungssprache/ Sprachkenntnisse

Adequate English skills proof of level B2 (CEFR, e.g. IELTS Academic/Indicator min. 5.5 or TOEFL iBT min. 72)


The tuition fee for the program is 14.640€. The total amount is payable in three instalments of 4.880 € each + semester contribution




Max Bolz Personenporträt Mitarbeiter IZNE

Max Bolz

Geschäftsführer des Studiengangs MBA CSR & NGO Management






von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach


Sankt Augustin


F 307


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Emine Erdogan-Saat

Stellvertretende Teamleitung Studierendenservice


Sankt Augustin


E 044


Grantham-Allee 20

53575 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Zuständigkeiten & persönliche Sprechzeit: Siehe unter "Profil"

Further points of contact

Fachbereichssekretariat Wirtschaftswissenschaften Campus Rheinbach




B 131


von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach


Montag bis Freitag: 9 bis 12 Uhr

Montag bis Donnerstag: ab 13 Uhr nach Vereinbarung

Kontakt zum Studierendenservice


Campus Sankt Augustin: Grantham Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin // Räume E039 - E040 & E044 - E048

Campus Rheinbach: Egermannstraße 1, 53359 Rheinbach // Räume 1.304 - 1.305


Telefonische Sprechzeiten: Montag bis Freitag: 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr und Montag bis Donnerstag von 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr

Persönliche Sprechzeiten nur mit Termin
