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Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften

Checklist for fully enrolled students and information about orientation weeks

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Welcome at the Department of Natural Sciences at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Rheinbach.
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Welcome at the Department of Natural Sciences at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Rheinbach.

We are pleased that you decided to start your studies in our department.

Note in advance: Participation in the safety briefing is mandatory for all students! Otherwise, participation in a practical course is not possible! The safety briefing is part of the orientation weeks (always in September/October).


a.) Checklist for fully enrolled international BSc-students (foreigners, BSc Applied Biology)

Your studies will start on 16.09.2024 with the orientation weeks. We have compiled all other important information for BSc first semester students on our learning platform LEA. To obtain LEA access and for your smooth start to your studies, please now work through the checklist for BSc first semester students step by step:

Step 1: Self registration via MIA

First go to MIA to start the self-registration. This step is obligatory to get your login data for central university services.
During the self-registration process you will be asked to assign a password for the access of your university email address. You will receive your login ID (the so-called department code, e.g. mmuste5s) which enables you to log in to most university services, too. Please remember both (password and department code)!
Link to MIA: https://mia.h-brs.de/sspr/public/activate


⇒ Step 2: Email-account  (central mail server for students)

Upon enrolment, e-mail access is provided to all students at the university. The structure of the email address is: firstname.surname@smail.bcw.h-brs.de

Access: department code + self-assigned password via MIA
Link to mail server: https://owa.stud.h-brs.de/


⇒ Step 3: Access LEA (Central teaching and learning platform)

Here you will find, among others, teaching materials for your studies (e.g. important information for first semester students, current information, lectures, lecture notes and exercise sheets).

Access: department code (e.g. mmuste5s) + MIA password

more information to LEA: https://www.h-brs.de/en/bib/lea-im-studium


⇒ Step 4: Participation in the LEA course "First Semester Information_Introduction and Orientation Weeks" or in the corresponding study group within the course

Please register for the LEA course to receive all the important information - especially for the introductory and orientation week and a good start to your studies



⇒ Step 5: Buying a lab coat

For your lab work you’ll need a lab coat. Make sure to get one in time! 
Please independently obtain a long-sleeved lab coat with a cotton content in the fabric of at least 35% (100% cotton is even better) by the beginning of the semester.


⇒ Step 6: Apply for access to Student Information System SIS

In SIS  you will find important study-related information (certificate of enrolment, re-registration, transcript, etc.) and you may register for exams

Important note: To get your SIS password, you first have to click on "Apply for Access ?" on the SIS homepage. An initial password will then be sent to your student e-mail inbox.

Access: department code + requested SIS password

Link to  SIS-login or apply for access: https://sis.h-brs.de/pp/sis/en?UserAcc=Gast&DokID=DiasSWeb&SID=&Action=Login


⇒ Step 7: Library Access:

Here you may borrow and have access to books, novels, audio books, magazines as well as digital media.
Access: department code (e.g. mmuste1s) + MIA-Password

Note: For borrowing media in the library you need a 4-digit PIN, which you can set yourself in Bib-Discover. To use various digital services, the library's remote access must also be set up (proxy setting). Please direct Questions regarding library services to the library or the e-learning team.


Identity & Access Management MIA
Access: department code (e.g. mmuste1s) + MIA password
Description: Here you may change your central password for most services, such as the OWA or LEA. Should you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by using the "Forgotten Password" function.

For more information watch this video.

Einführung in MIA, LEA, SIS und Outlook - Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften


Further specifications for the lab coat for all biology students

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Lab Coat:

In the lab you have to wear a lab coat. This lab coat will stay in the lab during the complete course. Afterwards it has to be autoclaved, washed and ironed. Whereby the autoclavation is done at the university, washing and ironing is your part at home!

So, you may need two lab coats when having other courses, too! Before buying them, please note that only white lab coats ending at your knees or at your calves are allowed! Coloured or shorter lab coats are not suitable.

The lab coat has to be labelled with your full last name (not more!) inside at the collar and additionally on the pocket on the left side of the coat, using a water proof pen. On the picture the places are marked in red.

Avoid any other drawings and writings on the lab coat as during autoclavation bleeding (to other lab coats) is possible. Salacious or religious drawings or comments etc. may cause an exclusion of the course!

b.) Checklist for German speaking Bachelor Students (BSc Applied Biology, Nachhaltige Chemie und Materialien und Naturwissenschaftliche Forensik) you will find here.


c.) MSc students Biomedical Sciences

We are going to organize an exciting program for you, starting on Wednesday, 27th of September 2023 with a Welcome at the Department and Introduction to the Study Program at 10 am in room A 163.5 on our Campus in Rheinbach (von Liebig Str. 20, 53359 Rheinbach). During the orientation days you’ll receive introductory sessions to the study program. You will also learn about the library, international office and have a chance to get to know your professors and each other. Mind that some sessions that will take place during the orientation period are mandatory to attend – e.g. without having taken part in safety instructions you will not be allowed into our laboratories. 

Orientation Week, 27.-29.09.2023 for Students of MSc Biomedical Sciences

But first of all follow this checklist. Except for Step 4: “Participation in the LEA course” the checklist also applies to MSc freshers. This page will be updated and extended continuously, so make sure to check it regularly. You will also find a lot of important information on these websites for freshers: https://www.h-brs.de/en/d5/first-semester and https://www.h-brs.de/en/kum/news/first-days-at-the-university

So what to do while waiting for the official start? Keep up your enthusiasm for your study program and your love for science!


d.) Master Students in Analytischer Chemie und Qualitätssicherung

We are looking forward to welcome you personally on Friday, 29th of September at 2 pm in Rheinbach, building K, room K108. This welcome includes safety instrucions and is therefore mandatory. But first of all follow this checklist. Except for Step 4: “Participation in the LEA course” the checklist also applies to MSc freshers. This page will be updated and extended continuously, so make sure to check it regularly. You will also find a lot of important information on these websites for freshers: https://www.h-brs.de/en/d5/first-semester and https://www.h-brs.de/en/kum/news/first-days-at-the-university

So what to do while waiting for the official start? Keep up your enthusiasm for your study program and your love for science!


e.) MSc students Materials Science and Sustainability Methods

We are glad to welcome you on 4. October 2023 for a face-to-face session in Rheinbach: Welcome and Safety Briefing (9 am – 12). It is a compulsory event. Building and room will be announced soon.

But first of all follow this checklist. Except for Step 4: “Participation in the LEA course” the checklist also applies to MSc freshers. This page will be updated and extended continuously, so make sure to check it regularly. You will also find a lot of important information on these websites for freshers: https://www.h-brs.de/en/d5/first-semester and https://www.h-brs.de/en/kum/news/first-days-at-the-university

So what to do while waiting for the official start? Keep up your enthusiasm for your study program and your love for science!