Zentrum für Innovation und Entwicklung in der Lehre (ZIEL)
Konferenzbeiträge - ZIEL weltweit
Zentrum für Innovation und Entwicklung in der Lehre (ZIEL)
Renetta Garrison Tull, Jamie Gurganus, Dirk Reith, Libis Valdez Cervantes, Xu Lihui, Iris Groß, Michael Malschützky, Sundiata Jangha, Catalina Aranzazu-Suescun, Luis Alberto Cruz Salazar, Jose Texier, Jusmeidy Zambrano, Maria Mercedes Larrondo Petrie, Li Fan, L. I. Shuangshou, Qiao Weifeng, Wang Sunyu, Robin Cresiski, Yarazeth Medina, Krishna Vedula, Veena Kumar, Rovani Sigamoney:
Models for International Collaborations to Nurture Students into Global Engineers.
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Jamie Gurganus, Michael Malschützky:
Development and Impact of Research Efficacy in a Undergraduate Teaching-Assistant Certification Class.
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Jamie Gurganus, Michael Malschützky, Neha Raikar, Yarazeth Medina:
Increasing Teaching Efficacy in Engineering Graduate Students through the Development and Facilitation of Summer Middle and High School STEM Experience.
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Jan Behrendt, Alexander Busch, Dennis Günther, Alexander Rundau, Daniel Röthgen, Martina Grein, Dirk Reith:
Transformation of an Extracurricular Project to a Student-Driven Academic Institution — Success Criteria and Benefits for Students and Faculty.
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Patrizia Ianiro-Dahm, Alexandra Reher, Christine Syrek:
Gemeinsam stark: Wie Peer-Trainings die digitale Kompetenz von Studierenden fördern.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.21240/zfhe/19-01/05 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-82625
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Iris Gross, Doerthe Vieten, Alexandra Reher:
Internationalization at Home by Bringing English into the Lecture Hall.
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Doerthe Vieten, Alexandra Reher, Iris Gross:
Work in Progress: Course Design and E-Learning-Environment for Scientific Competency Development for Bachelor’s Degree Students Within the Framework of Self-determination Theory.
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Jamie R. Gurganus, Michael M. Malschützky, João Carlos Do Carmo Santos, Marc Zupan, Abel Dias dos Santos:
How a Global Elective Engineering class impacts Engineering Students’ Global Efficacy.
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Michael M. Malschützky, Christine Kawa, Marco Winzker:
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: An Experimental Analysis of Small-Group Collaboration in Web-Conferencing.
URL doi:10.18260/1-2--43289
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Alexander Rundau, Dennis Günther, Jan Behrendt, Daniel Röthgen, Martina Grein, Dirk Reith:
Attracting Engineering Students to Non-Technical Seminars by Including International Student Competitions Into the Regular Engineering Curriculum.
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Iris Groß, Alexandra Reher, Leona Brust, Doerthe Vieten:
Work in Progress: Implementing and Evaluating a Competency-Oriented Assessment in an Innovative Application-Oriented Course of Mechanical Engineering.
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Michael M. Malschützky, Jamie R. Gurganus:
Learning from failure - Development of a Culture of Failure Scale for Higher Education.
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Andrea Schröder:
Einführung in das bürgerliche Recht für Betriebswirte: Grundzüge des BGB - Systematische Darstellung in Übersichten.
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Dieter Franke, Stefanie Meilinger, Iris Groß, Dirk Reith:
Bachelor’s Program “Sustainable Engineering” at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences: Development, Concept and Practical Experience.
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Iris Gross, Michael Malschützky, Tobias Held, Jan Behrendt, Daniel Röthgen, Martina Grein, Dirk Reith:
Self-reliant peer teaching as an additional dimension of university-level education for high potentials.
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Iris Gross, Ingo Gross:
Take Home Lab as a chance for practical experience and problem based learning in a remote working situation.
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Andrea Schröder, Alexandra Reher, Michael Malschützky:
Plötzlich digital und noch viel besser: Innovationsbericht über einen digitalen Inverted Classroom.
PDF Download (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) doi:10.14361/9783839459843-023 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-61065
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Dirk Reith, Martina Grein, Daniel Röthgen, Jan Behrendt, Tobias Held, Michael Malschützky, Iris Gross:
How self-reliant Peer Teaching can be set up to augment learning outcomes for university learners.
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Michael Malschützky, Alexandra Reher, Andrea Schröder:
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - A way to identify inclusion opportunities and exclusion risks in digital learning scenarios.
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Tobias R. Ortelt, Claudius Terkowsky, Andrea Schwandt, Marco Winzker, Anke Pfeiffer, Dieter Uckelmann, Anja Hawlitschek, Sebastian Zug, Karsten Henke, Johannes Nau, Dominik May:
Die digitale Zukunft des Lernens und Lehrens mit Remote-Laboren.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1007/978-3-658-32849-8_31 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-59748
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Iris Groß, Katja Kluth, Susanne Kundmüller-Bianchini, Andrea Schröder:
Towards OER: Etablierung einer OER-orientierten Digitalisierungsstrategie an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.
PDF Download (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) URL urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-56387
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Irene Rothe, Willi Pustowalow, Marco Winzker:
Multipurpose Use of Quizzes in Teaching.
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Andrea Schwandt, Marco Winzker, Markus Rohde:
Utilizing User Activity and System Response for Learning Analytics in a Remote Lab.
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Marco Winzker, Najat Bounif, Claudia Luppertz:
Improving First-Year Teaching with Project-Based Learning and Support of STEM Modules.
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Marco Winzker, Andrea Schwandt:
FPGA Remote-Labor als Ergänzung und Alternative zum Präsenzlabor.
PDF Download (CC BY-SA 4.0) urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-52505 doi:10.3278/6004804w175
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Dirk Reith, Christian Blume, Martina Grein, Tobias Haedecke, Daniel Konemann, Michael Malschützky:
Sustaining complex projects by linking in- and off-curriculum elements: The BRSU Racing Engineer Certificate.
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Claudia Luppertz, Najat Bounif, Marco Winzker:
Analysing Exam Results – Developing a Methodology.
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Marco Winzker, Andrea Schwandt:
Open Education Teaching Unit for Low-Power Design and FPGA Image Processing.
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Andrea Schwandt, Marco Winzker:
Make it Open - Improving Usability and Availability of an FPGA Remote Lab.
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Ingo Groß, Dirk Reith, Martina Grein, Iris Groß:
Deeper Theoretical Understanding by Means of Practical Experience in Electric and Electronic Circuits for Freshmen.
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Gut durchstarten mit Pro-MINT-us.
PDF Download PDF Download ('high-resolution'-Version) doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-066-7 URL urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-44676
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Iris Groß, Klaus Lehmann:
Hochschuldidaktik - Reden über Verantwortung.
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Marco Winzker, Andrea Schwandt:
FPGA laboratory system supporting power measurement for low-power digital design.
doi:10.1145/3287624.3287746 URL
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