Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Marketing
Student satisfaction: Bonn-Rhein-Sieg ranked third

The new representative survey carried out by the Universum Communications consultancy also proves that our students are highly satisfied with our University. Together with the Aachen University of Applied Sciences, it comes joint third behind the Universities of Reutlingen and Furtwangen.
Approximately 500 students enrolled at our University participated in the survey at the beginning of this year. Students of engineering and information technology, economics and natural sciences were invited to take part in the survey.
In the winter semester, Universum, in collaboration with slightly more than 100 universities, interviewed approximately 20,000 students enrolled in the above-mentioned and some other subjects with reference to their university experiences, employer preferences and career expectations. Apart from being questioned about their general impressions, the students were asked, among other things, whether they were satisfied with their tutors, the range of courses provided as well as access to the service facilities at their universities. Furthermore, Universum wanted to know whether the respondents had previously taken advantage of their universities' career counselling services and how they rated them.
Considering that the highest score achievable is 5 points (very satisfied), an average score of 4.25 (2009: 4.43) is a very good result indeed. With a view to daily business life, the students said that they attached great importance to a reasonable work-life-balance, but many of them also wanted demanding and challenging jobs. By the way, in this respect our students differ only slightly from their fellow students enrolled in the same subjects at other universities included in the survey.