Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Marketing

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences Takes National Lead in Support for Company Foundation

Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008

A recent survey reveals the characteristics of support for company foundation and the company foundation process at universities of applied sciences. The findings can by all means be regarded as a ranking. The survey "Framework Conditions and Characteristics of Academic Support for Company Foundation at 100 German Universities of Applied Sciences" ("Rahmenbedingungen und Ausprägung der akademischen Gründungsförderung an 100 deutschen Fachhochschulen") was carried out by Professor Jürgen Schmude and Stefan Heumann from the Chair for Economic Geography and Tourism Research at Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität (LMU) in Munich on behalf of the Geman Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

In the overall ranking covering all categories, our University, which achieved 70 out of 100 points, came fifth among the 100 universities of applied sciences surveyed behind HTW Dresden (76 points), HS Zittau/Görlitz (72 points), HS Esslingen (71) and FH Deggendorf (70). The next North-Rhine Westphalian universities of applied sciences to follow were HS Niederrhein and FH Gelsenkirchen, which ranked 8th and 9th with 66 points each.

Our University received exceptional ratings for its performance in the category "Training for Company Founders and Entrepreneurship Support", in which it ranked third. The University of Applied Sciences is also top of the league with respect to the scope of entrepreneurship activities undertaken by its students and graduates (category "Company Foundation Activities"). Furthermore, the study expressly points out that the external facility, namely BusinessCampus Rhein-Sieg GmbH, has been successfully integrated into university life. According to the study, only HS München has comparable institutions (i.e. the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship GmbH).

The complete survey is available for download from the website of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology:
