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Im Rahmen des Podcast-Projektes „Talking Texts“ produzierten Studierende des Studiengangs Nachhaltige Sozialpolitik jeweils eine Episode für die ersten Staffel. Ziel des Projektes ist es, komplexe und wichtige Texte des Studiums zu präsentieren, um auch anderen Studierenden den Zugang zu erleichtern.
Podcast Icon Sozialpolitik Talking Texts 3000x3000 (DE)
Podcast Talking texts, Anna Mahendra

It is much easier to listen to a podcast than to read a text. Since all episodes are entirely in English, this also applies to international students. The podcast thus takes on a multiplier function internationally. The result is now available for download on all common platforms.

In the podcast format, teams of students present a text of their choice in a 10-15 minute episode. The episodes were first conceived, then written, and then recorded and edited. There were different formats to guide students through the process of creating their own podcast. The necessary skills were developed in live sessions, video tutorials and workshops. Using the Articulate Rise program, Bernadette Lieder also created interactive online units in which students can independently acquire previously prepared information.

The topics covered included: podcasting (hosting, cover art, music), writing for radio, recording and software, pronunciation and speaking training, and more. There were also collaborations in the Language Center: 

In cooperation with Jill Yates-Wolff from the Writing Centre and Bernadette Lieder, a workshop on writing texts for the radio was designed. Together with the students, they analyzed previously submitted text samples, discussed typical problems and then revised the texts. Daniel Seibert and Bernadette Lieder made four video tutorials on articulation and speaking with the help of the Videolab. Anna Mahendra from the Videolab designed the icon (Figure 1) and the header for the homepage. Coaching sessions on speaking and software were held with Katrin Berchner and Martin Schmitt from the Online Teaching team.

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Due to Corona, the events took place completely online. The students worked very independently on their own episodes with great motivation. They creatively contributed their own ideas, submitted texts and speech samples voluntarily and in addition to the compulsory tasks, and took part in interviews for the pilot episode. The project was well received, even though the group was small - it was the first event of its kind.

The feedback was positive. One of the participants said about the podcast: “I think it was a great experience and […] I can clearly recommend it to everybody.”

Bernadette Lieder on the future of the project: "I can very well imagine expanding the format to other departments or even with other institutes. The format can serve as a platform for doctoral candidates to present their own projects. And I would be very happy if you would like to listen in and leave a rating or even give me some feedback."

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The first season of the podcast “Talking Texts” includes six episodes and is available for download and subscription on many well-known portals. The links to these can be found in the corresponding links. An accompanying homepage can be   found at http://talkingtexts.de/ .


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Bernadette Lieder

M.A., Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben für Englisch, Fachleiterin für Englisch im Studiengang Nachhaltige Sozialpolitik


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