Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation
FPGA Vision Remote Lab
The FPGA Vision Remote Lab is Open Education.

NEWS 2025
- This year the FPGA Open Online Course will be offered in autum.
News 2024
- 26. - 28.11.2024 We present our remote lab during the winter school "CrossLab meets Friends – Learning from each other" at the TU Dortmund.
- 23. - 25.9.2024 Next meeting in the scope of the Erasmus+ project "RL4Eng" in Rabat, Morocco at the Mohammed V University.
- 2.5.2024 Our remote lab is enhanced with a Cyclone 10 (10CL120ZF484I8G) to offer more performance for machine learning.
- April 2024 Successful finalization of the NGI Search project "Lab Discovery Engine". The source code of our reference lab can be downloaded here.
- 15.4.-15.6.2024 The FPGA Vision Open Online Course is offered.
- 13. - 16.2.2024 Next workshop week in the scope of the Erasmus+ project "RL4Eng" in Albacete, Castilla - La Mancha, Spain at the UCLM campus.
- 15.1. - 2.4.2024 - Registration for the FPGA Vision Open Online Course is open.
News 2023
- 25. - 28.10.2023 A workshop week in the scope of the Erasmus+ project "RL4Eng" with about 70 participants (staff and students) from Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Tanzania, Spain and Germany is organized at the H-BRS. We present our remote lab and have workshops on using the FPGA Vision Remote Lab and didactical considerations on how to design and implement new remote labs.
- 10. - 18.5.2023 Astri Edith Andrada Tivani from the Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina visits us and our remote lab and presents her current research on remote labs at the ViMoAll conference in Sankt Augustin, Germany (https://fmn.unsl.edu.ar/docente-de-electronica-expuso-sobre-laboratorios-remotos-en-alemania/ ).
17.4.2023 Kick-off meeting of the NGI Search project "Lab Discovery Engine" by Labsland with Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and Chernihiv Polytechnic National University as partners (https://labdiscoveryengine.labsland.com/home).
- 27. - 31.3.2023 Astri Edith Andrada Tivani (UNSL) presents the paper "Implementation guide for remote lab and case study at the National University of San Luis" at the SPL2023 in San Luis, Argentina with Andrea Schwandt as co-author.
- 26.3. - 5.4.2023 Andrea Schwandt visits the Universidad Nacional de San Luis (UNSL) and the SPL2023 conference in San Luis, Argentina.
- 1. - 3.3.2023 - Andrea Schwandt presents our current research at REV2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece
- 16.1. - 2.4.2023 - Registration for the FPGA Vision Open Online Course is open
- 3.1.2023 - New lecture series Spiking Neural Network on FPGA, source code available on GitHub
- 2.1.2023 - New edition of the German language text book "Digitaltechnik" (Digital Design) with coauthor Marco Winzker
News 2022
- 30.10.2022 - Our Open Online Course received the bronze ribbon in the E-Learning Experience category of the 2022 International E-Learning Awards, given by the International E-Learning Association
- 27.-30.10.2022 - We make a demonstration at the ICL-Conference Vienna
- 15.4.-15.6.2022 - The FPGA Vision Open Online Course is offered
- 2.3.2022 - The 5th video makes the Pattern Recognition Lecture complete and is online.
- 8.2.2022 - Source code for Neural Network for Pattern Recognition released on GitHub.
- 7.2.2022 - New Lecture Series on Neural Network for Pattern Recognition on an FPGA.
- 28.1.2022 - Our YouTube channel has 2000 subscriber.
- 24.1. - 4.4.2022 - Registration for the FPGA Vision Open Online Course is open
- 4.1.2022 - Visit of the Artificial Intelligence exhibition at Deutsches Museum Bonn
News 2021
- 11.12.2021 - Major update at magentacloud, so those download links have been updated. Please report any dead links in case we missed one.
- 2.11.2021 - The first scientific anthology of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung is published and we contributed to the topic remote labs. Springer VS, Open Access, in German
- 13.-17.9.2021 - Project meeting for YURL, Yarmouk University Remote Lab at our campus in St. Augustin.
- The maintenance, scheduled for August 2021 is postponed, so there is no interruption of remote lab operation.
- 10.6.2021 - Inauguration of DAAD regional office in Amman, Jordan with a presentation of our remote lab project with Yarmouk University.
- 27.5.2021 - Kick-off meeting for remote lab project with Yarmouk University, Jordan.
- 4.5.2021 - Meeting of Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“ is taking place online.
- 15.4.-15.6.2021 - The next FPGA Vision Open Online Course is offered.
- 24.3.2021 - Andrea Schwandt talks about the capabilities of our remote lab at the "Tag der Forschung: Digitalisierung in der Lehre" of the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
- 24.-26.2.2021 - Andrea Schwandt participates at the REV 2021 conference
- 17.2.2021 - Lecture video: Demonstration of a high-level design framework for machine learning
- 5.1.2021 - Two new lecture videos with exercises for machine learning on FPGAs
- 4.1.2021 - Video streaming now available on our regular remote lab server
News 2020
- 31.12.2020 - The UNSL in Argentina develops a remote lab with our support
- 2.12.2020 - We introduce video streaming as a new feature in our remote lab. Watch the lecture video.
- 1.12.2020 - The open access book Labore in der Hochschullehre is published with an article from us (in German)
- 24.11.2020 - Contribution of Marco Winzker at "Hörsaal" of the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
- 18.11.2020 - The Podcast Trafohaus Lehre features our remote lab
- 28.10.2020 - Next meeting of Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“ is taking place online.
- 7.10.2020 - We talk about teaching with the remote lab at the University:Future Festival of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
- 1.10.2020 - Day of teaching at our university. We discuss teaching with remote labs in a working group meeting.
- 25.9.2020 - Keynote about online lectures with remote labs at HTW Dresden day of teaching.
- 23.9.2020 - Machine Learning on FPGAs: The first series with the complete design flow is online. More lectures planned for mid October.
- 18.9.2020 - A new lecture series about Machine Learning on FPGAs is available. See the first video here. Source code has the project name NN_RGB_FPGA on GitHub.
- 25.8.2020 - We fixed an issue (small color stripe) of the additional Cyclone V board. We installed this board to add more capacity, see 27.3.2020.
- 15.5.2020 - The IEEE Spectrum features our remote lab: "The Institute"
- 12.5.2020 - We add subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese for our YouTube videos. First subtitles are already online, more will come. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Cláudio Machado Diniz, Universidade Católica de Pelotas.
- 24.4.2020 - Marco Winzker discusses teaching with remote-labs in the virtual lunch meeting of FH Aachen
- 15.4.-15.6.2020 - The next FPGA Vision Open Online Course is offered.
- 14.4.2020 - The lab will be offline in the morning (German time), because we increase the capacity of our internet connection. In general, we see high access rates on different university servers, so response time for the lab might be slower.
- 27.3.2020 - We have doubled our capacity for the Cyclone V FPGA, two experiments instead of one. And we have reduced time for experiments to allow more users. We will monitor usage and keep adapting the system.
- 12.3.2020 - Covid-19, Corona-Virus will lead to a shift towards eLearning. We currently increase the capacity of the remote-lab to enable more users. For the next days, the system might be offline for short periods of time, due to reconfiguration.
- 11.-13.3.2020 - Poster at Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (dghd), Berlin, Germany (presented online, due to "Covid-19").
- 10.3.2020 - Meeting of Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“ shifted from Berlin, Germany to online-meeting.
- 26.-28.2.2020 - Presentation at REV2020, Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, Athens, Georgia, USA.
- 25.2.2020 - LabsLand community event, Athens, Georgia, USA with presentation of our lab.
- 30.1.2020 - Marco Winzker participates at meeting of digi-Fellows North Rhine-Westphalia in Bonn, Germany.
- 10.1.2020 - New lectures about an FIR filter on an FPGA released: Video, Source code
News 2029
- 9.-10.12.2019 - Participation at “Strategies Beyond Borders", Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Berlin, Germany.
- 27.-29.11.2019 - Tutorial at the IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, Genova, Italy.
- 19.11.2019 - Andrea Schwandt visits Universidad Technológica Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 18.11.2019 - Source files moved to GitHub.
- 7.-15.11.2019 - Workshop on setting up and managing remote labs at UNSL, San Luis, Argentina by Andrea Schwandt.
- 23.-25.10.2019 - Marco Winzker participates at IEEE Learning with MOOCS 2019 in Milwaukee, USA.
- 22.10.2019 - Meeting of Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“ at our campus.
- 21.10.2019 - HFDcon in Bonn, Germany. We have a poster with the Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“.
- 16.-19.10.2019 - We present evaluation concept and results for our remote lab in a paper at IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference in Cincinnati, USA.
- 30.9.2019 - Pablo Orduña from Labsland visits our University and the remote lab.
- 12.-13.9.2019 - HRK Nexus "Digitaler Wandel in Studium und Lehre" in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Andrea Schwandt and Marco Winzker participate and we present the remote lab.
- 6.9.2019 - elearn.nrw in Essen, Germany: Marco Winzker has a lightning talk and poster about the project.
- 30.8.-2.9.2019 - The Remote Lab was offline, due to maintenance of our university power system.
- 2.5.-3.7.2019 - The FPGA Vision Open Online Course is held for the first time.
- 7.5.2019 - Video on generating test images with a DE10-Lite board.
- 9.-11.4.2019 - IEEE Educon conference in Dubai. Andrea Schwandt talks about development of our remote lab and helpful students' feedback.
- 15.3.2019 - Remote lab now uses https to have secure communication.
- 5.3.2019 - Meeting of Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“ at dghd-conference in Leipzig.
- 15.2.2019 - Winner of the GOLC Online Lab Award 2019, category remote.
- 21.-24.1.2019 - Andrea Schwandt presents the FPGA laboratory system at ASPDAC in Tokyo, Japan.
- 15.1.2019 - Meeting of Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“ at our university.
- 7.1.2019 - Information about using the lane detection code with Terasic FPGA boards in your lab: video and source code
News 2018
- 20.12.2018 - We received a grant from our Vice-President for International Affairs to promote international cooperation of students with the remote lab
- 17.-18.12.2018 - Andrea Schwandt and Marco Winzker take part at the workshop of the Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“ in Dortmund.
- 3.12.2018 - Ukrainian subtitles available for lecture videos. Thanks to Serhii Ivanets, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Ukraine.
- 21.10.2018 - Half-day tutorial about signal processing with the FPGA remote-lab at IEEE SiPS in Cape Town, South Africa.
- 27.9.2018 - Winner of the International E-Learning Award 2018, Academic Division of the IELA.
- 25.9.2018 - Hochschulforum Digitalisierung announced funding of the Community Working Group „Remote-Labs in Germany“. We are part of the consortium.
- 24.-25.9.2018 - "Shaping the Digital Turn" of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung in Berlin: Barcamp-Session about the Remote-Lab-Lecture on Tuesday.
- 16.8.2018 - Graphics from the video lectures are available in a gallery.
- 11.6.2018 - We moved both FPGA systems to a server room. We now have climate control and room temperature is stable, independent of our local weather.
- 30.4.2018 - A second FPGA system with a Cyclone IV is available. You can now compare power consumption for different CMOS technologies.
- 17.-20.4.2018 - IEEE Educon conference: Shatha AbuShanab and Andrea Schwandt participate with a paper in the conference in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
- 3.4.2018 - We release a major upgrade of the remote-lab: You can upload your own image for processing and operate the switches of the FPGA board.
- 21.-23.3.2018 - REV2018 conference: Shatha AbuShanab presents the project in Düsseldorf, Germany.
- 11.-14.3.2018 - IEEE Edunine conference: Marco Winzker presents the remote-lab in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 12.3.2018 - Marco Winzker visits the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and presents the remote-lab-lecture.
- 6.-9.3.2018 - Marco Winzker visits the Universidad Nacional de San Luis in Argentina, our partner in introducing the remote-lab-lecture.
- 26.1.2018 - We release power measurement for the FPGA.
- 9.1.2018 - The remote-lab is online.
- 4.1.2018 - The video lectures are available on our YouTube channel.
News 2017
- 7.12.2017 - IEEE ICECS conference: Andrea Schwandt presents the remote-lab hardware in Batumi, Georgia.
- 25.-28.4.2017 - IEEE Educon conference: Marco Winzker talks about low power digital design in Athens, Greece.
- 7.3.2017 - Marco Winzker presents the concept for the remote lab at the workshop "E-Learning in den Ingenieurwissenschaften" in Aachen.
- January 2017 - Marco Winzker is granted a Fellowship of the Ministry for Science of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Stifterverband to develop the FPGA Vision Remote Lab.

About the FPGA Vision Remote Lab
The remote-lab is a project of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.
24/7 availability. Independent systems at different locations are planned.
We provide long-time availability. We use the system for our local lectures and perform regular maintenance. If you plan to use our remote-lab for your lecture you can contact us. As a minimum the remote-lab will be available until 2030.
The FPGA Vision Remote Lab is monitored by
Contact Persons

Sankt Augustin
B 033
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 322
Sankt Augustin
B 143
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 304Dokumente
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