Fachbereich Informatik

H-BRS -Team successful at RoboCup Worldcup in Montréal

Montag, 25. Juni 2018

We are vice world champion! Our RoboCup team b-it bots came in second at the RoboCup @Work Competition! Four H-BRS researchers and students were appointed to various committees of the RoboCup Federation. Congratulations!
b-it-bots team is vice champion of the RoboCup@Work - League

It is summertime - which means every four years that there is worldwide soccer frenzy due to the FIFA Worldcup. However, there is also the annual worldcup of robot soccer, held this year in the Palais de Congres in Montreal, Canada.

For a long time, these robots do not only play soccer but also compete in different leagues where real-life applications are tested: RoboCup@Home, where robots help in a domestic setting as well as RoboCup@Work and Logistics League, where robots assist in professional settings such as warehouses and factories and RoboCup rescue, where robots help to find and save people during natural catastrophes such as earthquakes or avalanches. 

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Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Siegs b-it bot team came in second and thus continued their series of successes in the past years. The team also scored high in two technical disciplines, the arbitrary surface test (second place) and the line following test (first place). 

The Montreal team consisted of four students of the international master degree programme “Autonomous Systems”Their coaches Deebul Nair and Santosh Thoduka  are both research associates in european research projects and successful alumni of the autonomous systems programme. Prof. Gerhard Kraetzschmar and Prof. Paul Plöger support the team with scientific as well as administrative advice. 


b-it-bots team members in RoboCup-Committees

Due to the good and successful work of the team, several members have been appointed to various committees of the RoboCup Federation:

Deebul Nair, research associate in the EU-project SciRoc and Autonomous Systems alumnus, will join the Technical Committee of the RoboCup@Work-League. Master student Torsten Jandt (Autonomous Systems), was appointed to be a member of the Organising Committeeof the league for the next RoboCup 2019 in Sydney.  Our student Alexander Moriarty will be Chair of the Technical Committee in the RoboCup@Home-League. Prof. Gerhard Kraetzschmar was re-elected for the Trustee Board of the RoboCup Federation.

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