Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation

Methodentraining in Englisch for cooperative students

Donnerstag, 22. März 2018

On February 21st – 27th a new version of the Methodentraining course was given and taught entirely in English by Dr. Karl N. Kirschner who holds the "International Chair" at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. The Ford Motor Company from Cologne has decided to let all of their cooperative students take part in the program.

EMT-Methodentraining bei Ford (DE)

Having learned about this new option, the Ford motor company requested that their cooperative students take the course due to the company's international profile. As part of the course given by Kirschner, the students had to apply their newly gained knowledge of scholarship to create a poster on a state-of-the-art topic chosen by the students. Karl N. Kirschner is the "International Chair" of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, a chair limited to one year for foreign lecturers.

As an outcome of their hard work, the students presented their posters in two sessions: 1) at H-BRS Sankt Augustin's campus where all EMT professors and researchers were invited to attend, and 2) at the Ford plant in Cologne where their industry colleagues were invited. Excited by the poster results, Jörg Pick, Ford's course supervisor, will have the posters displayed as part of the company's open house (Tag der offenen Tür) that occurs on June 30th.

The block course Methodentraining is provided by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism (EMT),  and is traditionally taught in German with the goal of preparing bachelor students for working on their first formal research project and for writing their thesis. Scholarship and scholarly practices are heavily emphasized, as well as the ethical issues and obligations that are part of an engineer's profession. The English course was offered to all of the department's students.