Fachbereich Informatik

RISE intern Suzannah Smith

Freitag, 21. Juli 2017

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The department of computer science is glad to welcome another RISE intern from our Canadian partner university in New Brunswick. Suzannah Smith is a third year bachelor student of computer science. She has chosen the coop programme of her course which takes a year longer than the usual bachelor and includes four stages at various companies.


At Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Suzannah is working on a research project in the field of virtual reality:
A virtual apartment is created which participants enter via a pair of VR glasses (Oculus Rift). Suzannah explores agent perception - she uses eye tracking to determine people's focus and evaluates what participants look at and for how long.

Before joining us the young canadian took a two-week German course in Berlin and visited some European metropolises such as Zürich, Wien, Amsterdam and Paris. She will be working at H-BRS until August 18th. Her supervisors are Katharina Stollenwerk and Christoph Pomrehn as well as alumnus Sven Seele.


What does RISE mean?

The abbreviation is short for Research Internships in Science and Engineering.

RISE Germany offers summer research internships in Germany for undergraduate students from North America, Great Britain and Ireland. In their internships, students are carefully matched with doctoral students- whom they assist and who serve as their mentors. Interns receive a monthly stipend to cover everyday costs. About 300 scholarships are available each year (Source: DAAD).


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Internationales Fachbereich Informatik


Sankt Augustin


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin
