Internationales Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (IZNE)

Measuring the effects of social protection systems

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015

Int.Workshop_effektivitätsmessung_DIE.jpg (DE)

IZNE together with GIZ and DIE welcomed about 55  participants from 17 countries to join the international workshop on “Measuring the  social, economic and political effects of social protection: How to overcome the challenges?” held on April 15th -17th 2015 at the German Development Institut (DIE) in Bonn. 

Gruppenbild WS “Measuring the social, economic and political effects of social protection: How to overcome the challenges?" (DE)

It provided a platform for exchange and mutual learning among academics, policy-makers, and experts from public entities to discuss the challenges and methods of measuring effects of social protection, and the various approaches to tackle them.

This direct exchange between international researchers and practitioners, within a truly open and respectable working atmosphere, was the first of its kind, organised by the GIZ programme Global Alliances for Social Protection in collaboration with DIE and IZNE.

It is to be continued, given the high relevance of the topic amid the SDG discussions, as well as the need for closer exchange between academia and practise. 


Further informationen:

Workshop Report

Workshop Website