Kommunikation und Marketing

Language tandem Argentina – Germany

Freitag, 23. Januar 2015

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Within the framework of the language tandem project, initiated by Claudia Ruiz-Vega in the Language Centre during the 2014 summer semester, participants in the Spanish course A 1.3  enter, with support from their tutor, into a language exchange programme with students from the Argentinian partner university Universidad Nacional de San Luis (UNSL).

The project was initiated in collaboration with Dr Jordan, who is teaching German as a foreign language to beginners at UNSL and is preparing advanced-level Argentinian students for the TestDAF language test during the 2014/15 winter semester. These last students are planning to enrol in the binational Master’s degree programme "Electrotechnical Systems Development for Agriculture" at H-BRS in the 2015 summer semester.

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Overall, eight German H-BRS students and 15 Argentinian UNSL students are taking part in the online project, communicating via Facebook or, at a later stage, via Skype and other electronic media.

The aim of the project is to enable exchange between German and Argentinian students, to open their minds to the others’ language and culture and to advance further cooperation between H-BRS and UNSL.


Claudia Ruiz-Vega
Head of Spanish, Language Centre
Email: claudia ruizvega@h-brs.de (link sends email)

Dr Gabriele Jordan
Head of German as a foreign language, Language Centre
Email: gabriele.jordan@h-brs.de
