Kommunikation und Marketing

[Archiv] b-it-bots are World Champions!

Dienstag, 26. August 2014

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For the RoboCup 2009 in Graz, Austria, the "b-it-bots" of the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg have come out tops in the home league!

For a whole week participants in RoboCup 2009 waxed anxious over the competitions, discussed winning strategies with fellow enthusiasts, and treated themselves to first-class scientific lectures. They fascinated visitors with the thrilling performances of their mechanical athletes, and provided multi-faceted glimpses into the world of technology. While there were many valuable impulses for teaching and research, the business world was able to profit too!

Teaser Placeholder

After just missing out on the title last year, our informatics specialists waded in with their robot Johnny and and have now qualified as the German champions to go forward to the World Championships in Austria. The present victory was never to be taken for granted, for competitive achievement in this area is extremely dense, and progress in robot development presses forward on all sides.

The RoboCup@Home-Liga is a competition for service robotics and takes place in an environment consisting of several furnished rooms. The robots must find their own way around this apartment which is constantly changed in the course of the competition, and navigate safely and independently.