Kommunikation und Marketing

Intensifying the Partnership with the German-Jordan University (GJU)

Dienstag, 26. August 2014

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For five years, the German-Jordan University in Amman and the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences have been collaborating in the subject area of Computer Science. The Presidents of both universities have now discussed the details of intensifying their partnership.

During a visit to Sankt Augustin, Prof. Dr Labib Khadra, President of the German-Jordan University (GJU), and Prof. Dr Bosselmann, Dean of the GJU Faculty for Languages, expressed their wish to intensify their present partnership in a talk with President Prof. Dr Hartmut Ihne. At the same time they praised the present cooperation with the Department of Computer Science, which is, above all, inspired by Prof. Dr Rainer Herpers and Prof. Dr Kurt-Ulrich Witt on the part of our University.

The German-Jordan University is one of five transnational university projects supported by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. On the German side, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) plays a key role as a partner in this respect.

The President was pleased with the fact that the partnership with our University plays such a crucial part. Thus he thanked the professors of Computer Science, Dr Herpers and Dr Witt, because, as Prof. Ihne put it, “This partnership is of exceptional importance and an important element of our University’s international strategy. It has a high potential for mutual cooperation in tuition and research.” He added that the intensification of the successful work would be discussed in a follow-up talk. To this end, Prof. Khadra invited his German colleague to be his guest in Amman.