Kommunikation und Marketing

Partnership Agreement with Wartburg College

Dienstag, 26. August 2014

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Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University (H-BRS) has got a new cooperation partner: Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa/USA. The academic partnership between the two universities, preceded by a one-year preparatory phase, has now been ceremoniously sealed by Vice President Prof. Reiner Clement and Vice President Prof. Mark Biermann.

The agreement is aimed at fostering regular academic exchanges between lecturers and students at Waverly and Sankt Augustin; it contains provisions for the following projects: from May 2014 both educational institutions will offer an annual Summer School. Students of Technical Journalism will go to Waverly for ten days, while students from Wartburg College will come to Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University (H-BRS) for ten days. The institutions will collaborate on the production of TV broadcasts and online media. Professional TV production is one of the main focus areas at Wartburg College, while H-BRS technical journalists are specialists on certain journalistic contents.

Furthermore, some students will be supported in their aspirations to spend their semester abroad at Waverly - or vice versa. The students at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University will thus be provided with an additional opportunity to gather international experience during their studies and to become fit for the global jobs market.

The photo shows (from left to right): Travis Bockenstedt (Multimedia Producer in Residence), Kelsey Bemus (student), Penny Pier (Chair of the Communications Department), Vice President Reiner Clement, Mark Biermann (Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty), Michael Krzeminski and Stefan Korol (both from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism - EMT).