Kommunikation und Marketing

Active Involvement Leads to Great Success

Dienstag, 26. August 2014

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Andy Stamm, graduate in Electrical Engineering , has now successfully completed his PhD programme in Electrical Engineering at Griffith University, Brisbane, with his thesis entitled “Velocity and Arm Symmetry Investigations in Freestyle Swimming using Accelerometry”. Professor David Thiel from the School of Engineering at Griffith University was his first supervisor and Professor Alejandro Valenzuela from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism (EMT) was his external supervisor during the PhD procedure.

Stamm enrolled in the Australian PhD programme in 2009 and initiated a partnership between Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University and Griffith University. As early as in 2010 he supervised students from Sankt Augustin during their study semester abroad at Griffith University. Andy Stamm says, “It is not necessarily easy to make the decision to enroll in a further education programme abroad. However, the linguistic and cultural exchanges as well as the establishment of an international network are very rewarding.” According to Stamm, such a decisive step requires a lot of organisation, effort and perseverance, while providing plenty of extraordinary moments in a foreign country and fostering social competence - which often pays off later in professional life.

Since the 2013 summer semester Andy Stamm has been a lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism (FB EMT) and at the same time an adjunct research fellow at Griffith. As such, he is still involved with this lively partnership, supporting students with organising their study semester abroad. After all, H-BRS students do not have to pay the high fees - € 8,000 per semester - for their study semester at Griffith.

However, until now the partnership has only applied to the Department of EMT, on the one hand, and the School of Engineering, on the other.

For further information on a study period at the Australian partner university, please contact Prof. Dr. Alejandro Valenzuela from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism.