Kommunikation und Marketing
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences: students more than satisfied
Between November 2008 and March 2009, Universum interviewed more than 19,000 students at approximately 100 universities concerning their university experience, their employer preferences and their career goals. Alongside their general impressions, the students were, above all, questioned about their lecturers, the range of courses and access to service facilities at their universities. Furthermore, Universum wanted to know whether the respondents had received career counselling in the past and how they assessed it.
With respect to their future careers, the students said they attached great importance to challenging and versatile activities, but also to vocational training and further education. It is nearly equally important to the students to find a future employer who allows them to keep a satisfactory work-life-balance, i.e. to be able to reconcile their professional and private interests.
- Study: Webinar Universum Student Survey 2009 (PDF)