Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften
Methods of Bioanalysis and Laboratory Diagnostics (MSc)
Es handelt sich um ein Pflichtmodul
- für Studierende des 2. Sem. Analytische Chemie und Qualitätssicherung
- Angebot jeweils im Sommersemester
- Umfang: 6 Semesterwochenstunden (3V/1Ü/2P)
- Credits: 8 ECTS
Vorlesung und Übung
- General introduction and safety instructions
- Proteins: Quantitation, Purification and Structural analysis (including IEF, chromatography, ELISA)
- MS and MS-based approaches
- DNA: DNA structure, purification, PCR
- DNA: Sanger sequencing, capillary electrophoresis, DNA microarrays, NGS
- Urinary organic acids and the human metabolome
- Laboratory diagnostics with a focus on clinical chemistry
- Quality assurance in the medical diagnostic lab (Rili-BÄK)
- Excursion to a diagnostic laboratory (Newborn screening for metabolic and endocrine diseases; selective screening-Analysis of glycans and lipids)
Anwesenheitspflicht. Proteinquantifizierung, gekoppelter
Enzymaktivitätstest, SDS-PAGE und Western Blot, Real Time PCR,
Nachweis einer Sequenzvariante; verschiedene Verfahren der
Auftrennung von Nukleinsäuren.
Basic education in (analytical) chemistry and biology. Participation in the practical course requires prior participation in the safety instructions. Students are only allowed to join the practical course if they are familiar with the course material.
The result of a written exam, which is based on lecture, exercise and practical class, will yield the final mark. Active full-time participation in all four events of the practical course is also a requirement for passing the module.
Note: The course comprises an excursion to a diagnostic laboratory.
- Campbell & Farell, Biochemistry, Cengage Learning , 8th ed., 2015
- Lottspeich & Engels, Bioanalytik, Springer-Spektrum, 3rd ed., 2012
- Manz et al., Bioanalytical Chemistry, Imperial College Press, 2nd ed., 2015
Sie haben noch Fragen?

Jörn Oliver Sass
Professor für Bioanalytik und Biochemie, Forschungsgruppe Angeborene Stoffwechselstörungen (FG Sass)
I 218; Labor F 012
von-Liebig-Str. 20
53359 Rheinbach
+49 2241 865 9668